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In the latest episode of The Ben Heck show, Ben takes a look at the Virtual Boy. In the course of the twenty-something minute teardown, he not only completely takes apart a Virtual Boy console while inspecting its inner workings, but also comes up with a simple way of fixing the all-too-well-known display problems — I’m sure we’ll soon see those clamps mass produced and for sale by somebody, somewhere *hint, hint*.

Be sure to keep an eye on the show’s Youtube channel, since next week’s episode will be trying to improve the system now that it’s repaired and disassembled!

2 Replies

I like Ben Heck’s videos. Nice he finally checks out the Virtual Boy 😀

I just watched part 2 where he makes a head-mounted VB by basically throwing out most of the focus/IPD adjustment hardware and attaching the rest to the headband from a face shield.


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