I just created a new cover for the instructions. Let me know what you all think before I finalize it and remove my name.
What does the name do?
Looks good to me, but I’m no expert on US manuals.
It would be really good if you could post this in the other thread by the way, to keep things together π
This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by
It just keeps it in my hands til i finish it since I’ve put a few hours into it i want one done complete copy to be out there, not versions.
looks good!, i think that is fine.
but which is the cat logo?
Maybe the “call 1-800-255-3700” text could be replaced with “visit planetvb.com” or something to that effect, since Nintendo no longer supports Virtual Boy and Bound High! was never released either.
That looks extremely nice!
I think that the design, minus the “doesbenfoldfive” name, should be left completely intact. All original U.S. Virtual Boy games and manuals conformed to a certain standard, so I think that this manual should conform to the same standard.
Great job!!
HorvatM wrote:
Maybe the “call 1-800-255-3700” text could be replaced with “visit planetvb.com” or something to that effect, since Nintendo no longer supports Virtual Boy and Bound High! was never released either.
I’m agree with HorvatM , “visit planetvb.com” will be the best option .
How’s this? I think I’m done.
doesbenfoldfive wrote:
How’s this? I think I’m done.
All in all, it looks pretty good. I see a few issues, though:
There’s some kind of shadow that looks like the word “IMPORTANT” just to the left of “or service”. If it was mirrored, I’d say it was bleed through from the scanner’s lamp, but it’s readable π There’s a similar blur that I can’t make out on the right side of the same line.
They probably won’t even show up in the final printed article, but better safe than sorry, right?
Also, the moire pattern from the half-toning on the VB logo doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t know what printing process is going to be used, but there is bound to be some kind of dithering that’ll probably play havoc with it. Shouldn’t be too hard to clean up by hand, rescan at higher resolution, or duplicate using the font I made.
Just insert a higher res VB logo (from the site) for that part. I know it’s obvious, but it should read:
(without the underline that the site adds)
It’s generally best to write URLs that way, as they read better, but have a think about it. It’s as if people see the www. and know it’s a website, but then the eye dismisses the www. so it doesn’t look ugly. Upper and lower case mix is best practice too.
Well, since the rest of the words are in all caps in that part, I would also leave “PLANETVB.COM” in all caps. Plus if one enters “PLANETVB.COM” into one’s URL or address bar, the “www” should automatically be added by one’s computer, so in my opinion, I don’t think that is necessary.
I do agree, though, that a higher resolution and better quality “VIRTUAL BOY” logo should be used, since the rest of the image looks otherwise clean and crisp.
yes it’s not actually necessary to type it in, I never do – but it helps people realise at first glance that it’s a URL.
So, it’s just a readable thing, but if yopu space it properly on the area you don’t need that eitehr really. It needs adjusting though.
I’ll get on it this weekend.
Is this the biggest on the site?
Found this, so i’ll just pull the logo off of it.
doesbenfoldfive wrote:
Found this, so i’ll just pull the logo off of it.
Yes! That should make the end result look very nice.
Please post
in the thread as to if you think it needs it or not. I don’t much care for it, but someone mentioned it earlier.
Fixed the planetvb.com area and fixed the VB logo.
Anything else?
I’m not too keen on the www. If it was back when the internets were new and you had to have it, then yeah. But it’s just more text for not too much of a reason.