I recently scored every single issue of Famitsu Magazine for the year 1995 in a Yahoo Auctions Japan auction, and I hope to scan and post all pages that have anything Virtual Boy-related on them in this thread. Right now, I only plan to try to translate the things that interest me most, and I’ll be posting those results over time in the “English Translations for Famitsu Magazines” thread, located here:
I hope that these pages will be of interest to many others as well. And who knows, maybe someone else might start trying to translate interesting information in them and post the results on this site. 😉
Famitsu 367
Here is a summary of all of the Famitsu Magazine’s game reviewers’ ratings for Virtual Boy games reviewed in the year 1995, sorted by highest to lowest average rating out of a possible perfect 10; in the case of a tie between two games in average rating, the game with the higher top 3 rating-average was placed higher in the list (the only dilemma occurred with Jack Bros. and Panic Bomber, which had a perfect tie with each other no matter how you look at it):
1. Virtual Boy Wario Land, Issue Number 364, page 32. Scores: 5/8/7/7. Average Score: 6.75
2. Golf, Issue Number 349, page 33. Scores: 8/7/7/4. Average Score: 6.50
3. Red Alarm, Issue Number 347, page 30. Scores: 8/5/7/6. Average Score: 6.50
4. Mario’s Tennis, Issue Number 347, page 29. Scores: 7/6/6/7. Average Score: 6.50
5. Galactic Pinball, Issue Number 347, page 29. Scores: 6/4/6/8. Average Score: 6.00
6. Mansion of Insmouse, Issue Number 357, page 31. Scores: 6/7/6/5. Average Score: 6.00
7. Mario Clash, Issue Number 356, page 29. Scores: 6/6/6/6. Average Score: 6.00
8. Teleroboxer, Issue Number 347, page 29. Scores: 6/6/6/5. Average Score: 5.75
9. Virtual Bowling, Issue Number 367, page 34. Scores: 6/5/6/5. Average Score: 5.50
10. Vertical Force, Issue Number 349, page 33. Scores: 6/3/6/6. Average Score: 5.25
11. V-Tetris, Issue Number 350, page 32. Scores: 7/5/5/4. Average Score: 5.25
12. Space Squash, Issue Number 355, page 38. Scores: 4/6/6/4. Average Score: 5.00
13. Jack Bros., Issue Number 355, page 38. Scores: 5/4/6/5. Average Score: 5.00
14. Panic Bomber, Issue Number 347, page 30. Scores: 6/5/5/4. Average Score: 5.00
15. Virtual Fishing, Issue Number 356, page 30. Scores: 6/5/5/3. Average Score: 4.75
16. Virtual League Baseball, Issue Number 349, page 33. Scores: 5/5/5/4. Average Score: 4.75
17. Virtual Lab, Issue Number 365, page 31. Scores: 5/3/4/4. Average Score: 4.00
18. Space Invaders Virtual Collection, Issue Number 364, page 33. Scores: 4/4/4/3. Average Score: 3.75
It’s very likely that a 4-person review was also made for SD Gundam Dimension War, the last of the 19 Virtual Boy titles released in Japan, and that this review appears in the first issue of Famitsu Magazine for the year 1996, but I am not able to verify this to be true as of this date.
I updated our reviews database with issue numbers and links to the scanned reviews. I also corrected two minor errors with scores. Thanks again, Ben. 🙂
It seems that SD Gundam was the only not reviewed Virtual Boy game, as it is mentioned in issue 367 on the bottom of the first review page (http://www.planetvb.com/modules/articles/?s020160003). I think that games listed on the bottom of review pages were either never reviewed or reviewed in the next issue.
Okay. This should be the next to last batch of Famitsu Magazine scans that I will make of all the 1995 issues, and this should fill in the pages containing any mention of the Virtual Boy, which I missed the first time I looked through them, other than the Release Schedule pages. I performed my second look through all of the magazines much more slowly and carefully than the first time through. If there still happens to be any pages in all those issues containing Virtual Boy stuff on them, other than the Release Schedule pages, which I did not locate and scan, then chances are I will never find them and that the VB info is so minor that it wouldn’t be of any interest anyway.
Of course, I still hope to make a collage of all the Virtual Boy Software data across all of the Release Schedule pages and even translate everything into English, but I have no idea when I might get to that.
As usual, the magazine issue number and page number, which pertain to a scan, are included in a file name.
Missed pages from Famitsu
More missed pages from Famitsu
More missed pages from Famitsu
More missed pages from Famitsu
More missed pages from Famitsu
Attached are scans of all of the Virtual Boy sections on the Release Schedule pages across all Famitsu Magazines from the year 1995. The first time the Virtual Boy appeared on the Release Schedule was in Issue # 330, dated April 14, 1995. I’ve included the dates attached to each of the remaining issues of that year in the list below.
No. 330 – 4/14/1995
No. 331 – 4/21/1995
No. 332 – 4/28/1995
No. 333 – 5/5/1995
No. 335 – 5/12&19/1995
No. 336 – 5/26/1995
No. 337 – 6/2/1995
No. 338 – 6/9/1995
No. 339 – 6/16/1995
No. 340 – 6/23/1995
No. 341 – 6/30/1995
No. 342 – 7/7/1995
No. 343 – 7/14/1995
No. 344 – 7/21/1995
No. 345 – 7/28/1995
No. 346 – 8/4/1995
No. 347 – 8/11/1995
No. 349 – 8/18&25/1995
No. 350 – 9/1/1995
No. 351 – 9/8/1995
No. 352 – 9/15/1995
No. 353 – 9/22/1995
No. 354 – 9/29/1995
No. 355 – 10/6/1995
No. 356 – 10/13/1995
No. 357 – 10/20/1995
No. 358 – 10/27/1995
No. 359 – 11/3/1995
No. 361 – 11/10&17/1995
No. 362 – 11/24/1995
No. 363 – 12/1/1995
No. 364 – 12/8/1995
No. 365 – 12/15/1995
No. 366 – 12/22/1995
No. 367 – 12/29/1995