I enjoy imagining how various game types could look and work like on the Virtual Boy and would be interested in learning what you guys are having in mind. What are you dreaming to see on Virtual Boy?
Let’s all go crazy in this thread and sketch our wildest game ideas in the form of writeups, mockup screenshots or whatever.
Hopefully homebrewers can draw some inspiration, maybe even team up with mockup artists to make their dream a reality. Who knows what can come out of sharing your ideas here! :vb:
KR155E wrote:
Or did you mean $16k, thunder?
If that would have been the case we would all be playing Virtua Boy Cop by now and I would drive a new car.
bigmak wrote:
He lies π it was 16 dollars and some bbq sauce.
I actually found a store selling that sauce. But it costs 4 times the US price.
Yeah a virtuacop game sounds like it could work, it could be in a style like thunders Mario combat.
Also i like the idea of a waverace style game, maybe similar to the game boy version but with 3d depth on things like course markers and the racers.
Here’s an Idea that I think the VB could actually do. A good friend of mine and an active member of the site (even though he actually denies it that he came up w/ this idea.) came up with a great idea of a split console game where it requires 2 systems linked w/ a link cable and has 2 differant views one is the strategist and the other the enforcer. One can make the stratgies and help the other out while the other goes in and does the dirty work. I thought that this was a great idea and now I’m sharing it w/ you…Thoughts
morintari wrote:
Here’s an Idea that I think the VB could actually do. A good friend of mine and an active member of the site (even though he actually denies it that he came up w/ this idea.) came up with a great idea of a split console game where it requires 2 systems linked w/ a link cable and has 2 differant views one is the strategist and the other the enforcer. One can make the stratgies and help the other out while the other goes in and does the dirty work. I thought that this was a great idea and now I’m sharing it w/ you…Thoughts
Hey, that sounds like an awesome idea! I like that it takes advantage of the fact you each have your own personal screen. I can see lots of games of this style, maybe a tank game where one person mans the turrets and the other controls the driving. Or even a Mario Kart kind of game (Double Dash specifically) where one has a forward view and drives, and the other is looking backwards(or can scroll sideways) with a crosshair, and fires at the other racers.
I have an idea for a game. This was inspired from the old missle command game. (You remember the lines streaking down from the top of the screen and your defending cities on the ground). So very similiar idea but with a VB twist. My idea is a game called Meteor Defender VB (Just in case Meteor Defender is already taken:)). You operate a lateral moving turret in first person view. In front of you are cities that need to be defended. Falling from the sky are meteors and by moving your turret left and right and moving the cross hairs of the gun up and down it’s your job to protect all the cites. It would be very arcade like in style in that it would get progressively more difficult to defend as you advance through the levels. Perhaps even a survival mode for highscore compitetions that would just increase in difficulty until it’s basically impossible to go any further. All with wireframe graphics, perhaps some simple animations (like cities on fire, exploding meteors, etc..), high score screens after each level keeping track of accuracy giving bonuses for each city that survived the onslaught. But something that is fun to play, relatively easy to make and shows off a little of what the virtual boy can do.
If I was really ambitious I’d even attach a screen shot of that game from mednafen if it was a work in progress π
That does sound like a fun game, I love arcade style games, simple, fun and addictive! And a screenshot too, Very exciting.
Nice work Greg.
Nice idea Greg! I love that you even came prepared with a screenshot =P
I’d love to see another 2D Action Platformer like this.
I didn’t make it, was a Gameboy style mockup I saw on PixelJoint once and recoloured for VB at the time.
Battle zone. It was suggested I try to program it, using the provided tools; but I’ve been struggling to get a book finished. One “vanity press” offered me half-price expiring December 31st, so I bought in. I’m in the middle of a rewrite, and keep finding excellent new stuff!
I posted on this idea before:
The only bad feature will be when an opponent’s shell gets by, and comes straight at the player in 3D; talk about going cross-eyed!
“I wondered why the baseball seemed to keep getting bigger and bigger; then it hit me!”
Lester Knight wrote:
i would still very much like to see doom 1 and 2 brought over to the virtual boy.here is an example from doom2 m1e1
I’d buy that for a dollar!
Also does anyone remember a 1980’s movie called “Nightmares”? One segment of the film has a fictional arcade game “The Bishop of Battle”. If it was ever going to be replicated on any system, the VB would be it.
Here’s some footage of the film:
After VVVBBB, here’s a more original game idea I want to share with you guys:
Mach 7
A futuristic top-down racing game, think F-Zero meets Micro Machines. It would support a PlayLink-to-USB cable in combination with a little PC client to allow for several online modes.
* Grand Prix: 4 ships compete in 4 races in different cups
* Quick Race: a single race against 3 opponents
* Time Challenge: race against the clock, trying to beat the fastest time for each track
* Best Times: a scoreboard of your best times for each track, features online sync to a community scoreboard hosted on PVB
* Multiplayer: Local or online 2-4 player quick races or grand prix
This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by
Unnamed MetroidVania
Here’s a mocked-up scene from an action platformer I have been conceiving lately. I envision something Metroid-esque, gritty, story-driven with a few stealth elements, full of hand-drawn 3D environments.
I might follow this one further and have been thinking about creating a little playable demo of that scene you see here. It took me like two weeks to only create this little mock-up, though, so I am gonna take a break first. π
VB Metroid is something I would love to play! KR155E take a looooong break. Cause your talent’s along with all the others who know how to write code for our 3d system are sorely needed. Thanks for all who keep this site on the map.
I want to play this just so I can find out what “robotic waste” is π
Nah, but seriously… That mockup is gorgeous, and a VB Metroid-esque platformer is WAY overdue, and I know you can do the genre justice!
Thanks guys! In case anyone’s interested in creating more mockups, background graphics, enemies, level designs, story ideas, coding, or whatever, get in touch. Who knows what might come out of it. π
RunnerPack schrieb:
I want to play this just so I can find out what “robotic waste” is π
You tell me, it’s your native language! But seriously, I guess that’s not how solid or liquid remains of robots after being scrapped are called. π
This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by
KR155E wrote:
RunnerPack schrieb:
I want to play this just so I can find out what “robotic waste” is πYou tell me, it’s your native language! But seriously, I guess that’s not how solid or liquid remains of robots after being scrapped are called. π
No, you’re right; that’s what it would be called. I’ve just never lived in a society/world that has so many robots they need their own waste stream and facilities for handling it… But, I’m almost done re-reading Isaac Asimov’s “The Naked Sun” (couldn’t pass up a used, paperback copy for a quarter), and now it makes perfect sense! π
In a post-robocalyptic world without a single human being left, there’s a lot of robotic waste! (and, in the beginning, a lot of human waste. :-D)
Well, thanks for clearing that up! So the writing can stay like it is. Maybe get a little more tear or so…
If I made this game, I’d need to read up on Asimov as well I think. Might give me some good story ideas. His Laws of Robotics would definitively see a reference, that has been part of the plan already. π