Seeing as how GoSub is finished, I’d like to do something else for the Virtual Boy. Only problem is, I have no ideas. I was just wondering if you guys have any spectacular ideas that have not been done on the Virtual Boy yet. I see there hasn’t been an RPG programmed yet. Maybe I should make one?
I was actually thinking about an RPG a little bit ago… it seems like we could use one of them, as well as a fighting game like Street Fighter. An RPG should be fairly simple (I wrote one in Basic as a Freshman in High School). It’s just usually really time consuming because there’s just a TON of stuff in them.
But I was thinking about just creating an engine, which would have the fight screen, and then the ability to walk around a large world, as well as a smaller section like a town. The problem w/ engines is that unless there’s someone to pick it up and complete the game, it basically goes nowhere :P.
Well, when I was a kid, I had two game titles in mind. For an RPG, it was “The Legend of Helga” and for a fighter, it was “Highway Fighter.” In Highway Fighter, you’re fighting on a highway and have to avoid colliding with occasional semi trucks as well as punching your opponent to oblivion. I’ve begun work on an RPG, but I have no idea how to program progress saving. How hard is it? (All I have so far is just a title screen.)
Programming the progress save is easy, except that it requires battery backed SRAM on the cart, which most peoples’ flash carts don’t have.
How does Blox 2 save its progress? The same way? From looking at the Blox 2 article, it looks like the Reality Boy emulator can save data. True?
Heh, I haven’t even gotten a chance to try Blox 2 yet, but most likely if it has save that it does it the same way. And yeah, Reality Boy can save data.
If you’re still taking suggestions, how about Battlezone?
I have no idea how hard (or not) that might be though.
An RPG would be nice, but a massive project. Seeing how enthusiastic you are about VB programming (which is fantastic!), I don’t think this will scare you off, though (which is great as well), but you should take the chance to improve your programming style a bit and move from gotos to functions. This would make the project easier.
Pat, the engine idea sounds pretty good. A bit like RPG Maker. Chris, what would you think about creating a game with such an engine?
Like DogP said, writing to the backup battery is easy. I will post some more info and code when I am at home.
This reply was modified 15 years, 2 months ago by
Yes the flashboy might not have save but u can release an rpg on a single cart and save should be possible
Maybe ask people for donations and when u have atleast 200+ euro you start on an rpg and when ur done u release the game on single cartridge for about 15 euro/game and since u already got donations u wont lose any money
I saw on this site a while back some fan made box art and one I think was called Zelda; virtual stone, that would be a very cool game
SOME OTHER IDEAS FOR VB GAMES/DEMOS (most of the ideas need no save to play)
-Pacman (with some in ur face graphics, like the intro video of tron)
-Football game (by football I mean soccer)
-Car racing game (just a normal car racing game)
-Tour game 1 (you can choose a city, forest… and u get some sort of virtual tour, maybe u walk around and see some virtual people)
-Tour game 2 (virtual tour: future or past, maybe a tour in the year 1.000.000 BC, 3000 AD or maybe you want to see how native americans lived 500 years ago)
-Trailers (maybe make some commercials for vb homebrew games)
-Virtual life (unlike tour games you walk in a city and can: talk to people, enter some cars, go in some shope like cinema and food store, put on radio in a car, buy stuff…)
-A game like warioware on wii or like Segata Sanshiro on sega saturn (many small mini games)
-A game where you only see threw 1 visor at a time <--(would be unique to the vb)
-Horror game
-Attraction park game (got this idea after seeing goosbumps game on wii)
-Hentai (japanese porn) game (very unique and someone might like it :-P, after all there is a porn game on atari 2600)
-Point and click game
-Maybe a game where you get to learn threw a virtual world how to fix a vb, car or anything like that 😛
-A game where you get to learn another language
-Board game (risk, chess...)
-Castlevania game
-Pinball game
-A vb game where you get a collection of games from: atari, game and watch...
-Learn to drive game
-Virtual pet game
-Rollercoaster game
the list can be long but just some ideas
Games made for people under 12 like match games, reading games... is not a good idea since most people who still play the vb are usually over 12 years old
-Football game (by football I mean soccer)
-Car racing game (just a normal car racing game)
-Tour game 1 (you can choose a city, forest… and u get some sort of virtual tour, maybe u walk around and see some virtual people)
-Tour game 2 (virtual tour: future or past, maybe a tour in the year 1.000.000 BC, 3000 AD or maybe you want to see how native americans lived 500 years ago)
-Virtual life (unlike tour games you walk in a city and can: talk to people, enter some cars, go in some shope like cinema and food store, put on radio in a car, buy stuff…)
-Horror game
-Point and click game
-Maybe a game where you get to learn threw a virtual world how to fix a vb, car or anything like that 😛
-Pinball game
-Learn to drive game
-Rollercoaster game
Those are the ones I’d most like to see. Above all, I’d like to see a horror adventure game or something like that. Wasn’t Silent Hill: Devil’s Lyric supposed to be like that? I might even try to make such a game myself, when I get the time to experiment with VB programming.
EDIT: I want a clone of Breakout!
Hows about a Wolfenstein 3D port that would be sweet or something like Corpse Killer off the Sega 😎
The Virtual Boy already has a pinball game: Galactic Pinball.
I don’t know much about RPGs, though. The only one I’ve ever played was Super Mario RPG, which a friend lent me. I still have the guide. Maybe I should leaf through it. What I was thinking is a funny RPG, like how Clayfighter is a funny fighting game. I don’t know how hard it would be to work on another person’s engine, though. This project just came out of the womb, so to speak. I don’t even know what Helga and the hero (whose name is Pink) look like yet, so if someone could design some sprites for me, that would be awesome.
OK, I am pulling my hair out and just about ready to go insane here. Why doesn’t this work? What I want it to do is whenever you press the select button, the cursor moves from New Game to Load Game. If you press it again, it goes back to New Game. I am trying very hard not to use goto statements (for reasons I still yet don’t understand), and would like help on this.
One game I really want to see is a game where you have different charecters from manga, maybe from this site…
haha Krisse vs goku from dragonball or Chi from chobits vs Mr Satan from dragonball 😛
Ok, I made lots of changes. I notice you like to use {} to group things a lot. this makes it somewhat confusing, because you expect a loop or something in that area. So I commented out all that stuff, along with other stuff I didn’t find necessary. I only commented it out so you can clearly see what I changed. So delete all those parts.
I didn’t compile or test, but here are some changes that should get it to do what you want.
Hope this helps!
And if you have questions, just say “why did you do xx at lines y thru z?” Hopefully you have a text editor with numbered lines, otherwise get one (I have been using “Programmers Notepad 2,” it is free)
Thank you, mbuchman. I caught a typo in line 47, though. It should say
“while(!(vbReadPad()&K_STA)) {”
you forgot the “(!”.
Thanks also for telling me about Programmer’s Notepad. I needed a program that tells me what line is which so I can more easily spot the errors it tells me in the command prompt.
Oops, I guess I did make an error there. Glad you got it working (well I assume you did)
You really should set up Programmers Notepad to be developer friendly. I decided to add how to do this in the dev wiki…
Let me know if anything needs to be changed, it is my first addition to the dev wiki!
I don’t consider myself an experienced VB programmer, but shouldn’t be
while(vbReadPad()&K_STA) { // Keep looping until start is pushed if(vbReadPad()&K_SEL) { selpad=selpad+1; if (selpad>1) selpad=0; if (selpad==0)) { // notice the change here, don't ask if the same condition is true two times in a row! vbTextOut(0, 5, 19, "."); vbTextOut(0, 5, 20, " "); } else { // We know selpad must be 1 if it isn ot 0. If you had other items, then do the following... // } else if selpad == 1 { vbTextOut(0, 5, 19, " "); vbTextOut(0, 5, 20, "."); } while(vbReadPad()&K_SEL){} // Now we wait here until K_SEL is let go. } } // End of while loop for the menu
like this
while(vbReadPad()&K_STA) { // Keep looping until start is pushed if(vbReadPad()&K_SEL) { selpad = !selpad vbTextOut(0, 5, 19, " "); vbTextOut(0, 5, 20, " "); vbTextOut(0, 5, 19 + (selpad==0)), "."); while(vbReadPad()&K_SEL){} // Now we wait here until K_SEL is let go. } } // End of while loop for the menu
instead? Alternatively you can replace
vbTextOut(0, 5, 19, " "); vbTextOut(0, 5, 20, " ");
with a for loop but I don’t know whether it would be more efficient. I think it wouldn’t be.
EDIT: Why is this
while(vbReadPad()&K_STA) { // Keep looping until start is pushed
needed? The comment says “until Start is pushed” not “while Start is pushed”, so shouldn’t it be changed to something like this?
while(vbReadPad() & !K_STA) { // Keep looping until start is pushed
This reply was modified 15 years, 2 months ago by
For the first example, I don’t know which would be better to do, really probably just a personal preference, but I would wager the first way is easier to read and would execute quicker, and may even execute slightly faster (not that you would notice). So the example you gave takes up less space in C, but really it is just a matter of personal preference.
Second example, you could replace with a for loop, but I don’t know if I would.
What I would really do is have an image that I moved rather than redraw text. That would probably be the best. Then you would not need to do any clearing. But this is not my project, so I didnt do that.
And for the last comment, yes I messed up. But it should be
because if you used
while(vbReadPad() & !K_STA)
it would no longer care about the start button, and would end as soon as no button was pressed