I have completed my Insecticide game/ Since I would like to have a nice label for it and can’t draw very well, I am holding a label making contest, where the winner gets a free cartridge of Insecticide with the winning label on it. By the way, please do not use the standard U.S. or Japanese templates. I would like to have it be something totally original. Think of the label as a blank canvas. More details will be forthcoming.
They were on my old computer…which died. I’ll try to find them again in my e-mails.
Did anything ever become of this “contest” or this game? This thread feels so unfinished.
We’re trying to make the game, but the guy who is going to make it for me (UncleTusk) is having some problems with the game working when he tried to burn it onto an actual cartridge, which is weird because it plays fine on a FlashBoy+. The contest winner has been chosen and the box art and manual is ready, though.
akumie wrote:
So random thread
still no postings from the winners
This thread needs pics like no thread ever before it!
Since there is still a possibility of a CIB release of the game, I’m guessing that the makers want to keep all art and everything a surprise for the release.
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Since there is still a possibility of a CIB release of the game, I’m guessing that the makers want to keep all art and everything a surprise for the release.
I’d totally understand that, just the OP said that he would post the pics of the designs once he found them. If it’s still coming and it’s a surprise, ok that’s fine too, just tell us that. I’d personally rather just see the designs – I want to compare the entries myself and enjoy the creativity of the members here! I can appreciate the “grand unveiling” approach, but I feel in the case of art contests, that a lot is missed that way.
Just a quick update. It appears that the Insecticide version would not work because it was 4 MB (like Mario’s Tennis). I just e-mailed an 8 MB version to the guy making the carts. Here’s hoping that works for him.
For those wondering, here is the winning label.
Looks dope!
You can never go wrong with adding giant mushroom cloud explosions to something. 😀
VirtualChris wrote:
For those wondering, here is the winning label.
Complete awesomeness!
VirtualChris wrote:
Just a quick update. It appears that the Insecticide version would not work because it was 4 MB (like Mario’s Tennis). I just e-mailed an 8 MB version to the guy making the carts. Here’s hoping that works for him.
There’s someone already trying to make the carts? I didn’t realize this thing was so far along in development. Exciting stuff.
Upping the size to 8 MB seemed to be working for him now. He’s going to send me a test cart and if it works for me, we’re going to sell the game.
VirtualChris wrote:
Upping the size to 8 MB seemed to be working for him now. He’s going to send me a test cart and if it works for me, we’re going to sell the game.
Wow, this is great news. Allow me to be the first to say “sign me up for a copy!” if the test cart works as planned.
Any plans for a CIB release or cart-only? I believe (newly-established PVB user and well-known NintendoAge user) Retro_Dan is currently putting feelers out for a collaborative CIB Virtual Boy release, maybe I’ll show him this thread and see if I can you guys talking :p
I think it will be a CIB. A box and instruction manual were designed.