Figured it would be nice to see everyone’s systems and game/accessory collections. I’m quite curious to see how many of the VBs on these forums are in good condition, and how many Blockbuster, retail display, japanese, etc kits there are among us.
Regrettably I sold the VB in my avatar many years ago after I first joined. I think I sold it to then fund the purchase of a new phat DS. Bad move.
I’ve just gotten back into the VB scene after missing it so much. I just purchased a Japanese console in mint condition, boxed. Can’t wait to share with everyone. I also bought a secondary head unit only because I thought I was going to be buying a VB set that had a defective head unit (I got out of that deal). I think I’ll be taking the spare apart and using it as parts for my Japanese model. Maybe have the ribbon cables soldered for when the Japanese model’s go bad.
So I’ll be posting my pictures soon. I have quite a few games already, which I’ll show when I get the console pics up.
But everyone else can start ahead of me. Let’s see those VBs!
Game Boy POWER^^
The NES-styled classic GBA is my other favorite. Such an awesome design!
Great layouts! I love your displays. π
jrronimo wrote:
The NES-styled classic GBA is my other favorite. Such an awesome design!Great layouts! I love your displays. π
Thanks jrronimo π
Robert Molander wrote:
The pictures are from a game magazine from 2009. Oh and i can se that one virtual boy item is on one of those pictures π
Wow Robert! Looks like a video game hall of fame or something! I especially like your N64 disk drive boxed up nice and tidy among other things! :O
jrronimo – It’s nice to see you have a shelf dedicated to your VB collection and that you keep it elevated off the floor, sitting high on it’s perch where it belongs. That’s how mine started as well, but it didn’t stay that way for long! π Also, congrats on finding the that rare minty copy of Jack Bros.
trippstatic – That’s great to see your collection out in the open where it can be viewed and enjoyed by everyone. The way you organized your collection to show the evolution of Nintendo over the years is very nice!
Dor-Si wrote:
jrronimo – It’s nice to see you have a shelf dedicated to your VB collection and that you keep it elevated off the floor, sitting high on it’s perch where it belongs. That’s how mine started as well, but it didn’t stay that way for long! π Also, congrats on finding the that rare minty copy of Jack Bros.
π Yeah, I suspect I’ll start displaying the collection soon. I had a look around eBay and it looks like I can even finish my non-sealed boxed collection for about US$200 for the ones I still need. That’s very, very tempting. π
In the past, I had some Magic cards in my basement on the floor. The basement flooded while I was away on a trip and many of my cards got ruined. I now know better than to keep things just on the floor, haha. π
Updated picture! I got Space Pinball the day after I shot this, so it’s still out of date, but it’s at least US box complete, now. π
This reply was modified 11 years, 12 months ago by
I’ve been making high resolution scans of all of the Virtual Boy stuff in my Nintendo Power magazines recently, so that I can store them and read them anywhere on one of my devices, and there are items I’ve found that I would like to include here, most of which don’t appear at all in the main section of the site or else don’t appear in an easily readable form on the site.
The first things I’m attaching are scans of Nintendo Power Issue 66’s cover page and page 113. I am including these scans because I believe that page 113 of Nintendo Power Issue 66 contains the very first mention of the Virtual Boy ever in a Nintendo Power magazine, and I find first mentions of things to be really neat. If I find an earlier mention of the Virtual Boy or, more precisely, “VR 32” in a Nintendo Power magazine, then I will update and correct this statement.
I want to include this page from Nintendo Power Issue 74 since I don’t currently see it in the main site area, and it has some nice images and screenshots on it.
For Nintendo Power Issue 75, I’m including scans of the 3D glasses that originally came with the issue, so that the text on the inner left side of the glasses can appear on this site in a legible form. I’ve also attached the contents page, which has a nice image of the Virtual Boy and a couple nice screenshots. I’ve even included higher quality scans of the trading cards in this issue, so that the text can be more easily read.
For Nintendo Power Issue 76, I’ve included scans of the actual questions and postcard that were included in this issue as part of the Player’s Poll Contest. As is already known, Daniel Staskevicius won this contest and got to go to Nintendo of America and play Dragon Hopper on a Virtual Boy.
(Note to self: Hunt down and interrogate Daniel Staskevicius, using “persuasive force” to get him to talk if necessary)
I’ve also included a scan of the special coupon that was included in this magazine just before the Must See 3-D Sweepstakes page. At the time, one could normally go to Blockbuster and rent a Virtual Boy and 2 games for three evenings for $9.99. However, with the special Nintendo Power coupon, a Nintendo Power reader could go and present the coupon and rent a Virtual Boy and 3 games for three evenings for the same price of $9.99. No coupon, no third game for free.
Included in Nintendo Power Issue 77 is Nintendo Power’s official response to why it is recommended that children under the age of 7 not play the Virtual Boy.
Also, note to collectors, if you desire to collect the Waterworld poster, the only Virtual Boy-related poster that ever appeared in a Nintendo Power Magazine, remember that it appears in issue number 77. Thus, look for a seller who has Nintendo Power 77 for sale and ask the seller if the poster is still attached to the magazine before trying to buy one of the separated posters somewhere, which are often marked up to much higher prices than simply the magazine with poster.
Here are some more Virtual Boy-related pages from Nintendo Power Issue 79.
Hmm, makes me wonder how far along Power Rangers got. Maybe there’s a proto?
I’m not particularly interested in it aside from “must have all unreleased stuff”, but… yeah.
jrronimo wrote:
I’m not particularly interested in it aside from “must have all unreleased stuff”
I’m the same way. The only reason why it would interest me is because it would be a Virtual Boy game. But then again… if there actually was a playable version somewhere, perhaps the gameplay could surprise me and could actually be fun.
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
But then again… if there actually was a playable version somewhere, perhaps the gameplay could surprise me and could actually be fun.
Haha, exactly. Though, with a licensed game from the mid-90’s, I’m not gonna get my hopes up… heh.
Two new Japanese “Sample for Demonstration” Virtual Boy games arrived in the mail today, which are Mario’s Tennis and Red Alarm, both of them being complete in box with the original orange and white sticker on the front, each of which reads この商品は実演用サンプルとしてご使用ください, which translates to “This product should be used as a sample for demonstration.” That just leaves Teleroboxer as the last “Sample for Demonstration” game that I need to complete my Japanese VB demo game collection, unless there happens to be a Japanese VB demo game out there that has been completely unaccounted for up to now by us Virtual Boy enthusiasts.
congrats whit finding mario tennis
i looking already for some time for this one to compleet my set off japan sample games ( its the only one i needed
i have ad this hat to my collection :
mawa wrote:
i have ad this hat to my collection :
Ah ha! So you’re the one who snagged that BIN on Ebay recently. π Very nice catch, by the way.
Another recent addition to my Virtual Boy collection is a prototype VB controller, which is the kind of controller that was used in the prototype Virtual Boy systems that were set up at trade shows where the VB made an appearance, namely the Shoshinkai Software Exhibition of 1994 and the Winter Consumer Electronics Show of 1995.
The controller looks so much better with the colored buttons.
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
mawa wrote:
i have ad this hat to my collection :Ah ha! So you’re the one who snagged that BIN on Ebay recently. π Very nice catch, by the way.
Another recent addition to my Virtual Boy collection is a prototype VB controller, which is the kind of controller that was used in the prototype Virtual Boy systems that were set up at trade shows where the VB made an appearance, namely the Shoshinkai Software Exhibition of 1994 and the Winter Consumer Electronics Show of 1995.
PM me an offer on the Teleroboxer demo. I may let mine go if the price is right.