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  • WATCH! VB (3/10)
    Stereoscopic screenshots of various Virtual Boy software titles for cross eye viewing

The Process of Making Something Appear to be Three-Dimensional!

The process of making something appear to be three-dimensional, with the two methods relating to this being introduced on pages 6 and 7, is as shown below.

Since the process of viewing with either of the two methods is almost the same, you may not always know what you should be seeing. Therefore, above each of the stereo pairs on the following pages, we’ve written about what each should look like. If you see something different than what it should look like, please try again by switching to the other method for viewing the screen.

それでも見えないという人はP15の「見えないぞ! とおもう前に」の事項を試して見てほしい。コツさえつかんで1度でも見ることができれば次から次へと先のVBの画面を立体に見られるハズだ。
For those who still don’t see it, please refer to the section on page 15 titled “Before You Think It’s Impossible to See!” Once you know the trick and can see it even once, you’ll be able to see what appears to be three-dimensional for each pair of VB screens one after another.

The Intersection Method and Parallel Method for Viewing are Similar

A Good Start

Between these two screens, you can make a slightly different rectangular screen appear.

A Little More!

Here, you can make it look like there are 4 screens in the middle. You’ll have to try harder this time to make what appears to be three-dimensional.

Finally, 3 screens are visible. This time, just look closely at the middle one. The middle one has only what is to appear three-dimensional.