Original Post

If you’ve been following my other thread you know that Benjamin Stevens and I are working on translating Virtual Fishing which is the only VB game that hasn’t been translated so far. While Ben did the translation part I did the patching of the ROM.

The ROM is almost done. The only things are missing are the logo on the start screen, the header on the stage selection (both of them are images, not text) and the player names on the all times records screen. The images should be rather easy to patch while the player names seem tricky. I still plan to patch theses things but I might not get to it in the near future.

As all of these are not actually needed to play the game I decided to release the ROM in this state. Also, everyone is asked to play the game and try to find screens that are not translated yet. They will either be in Japanese or just look glitchy. If you happen to find one of those screen please post the exact conditions under which you got to said screen so that I can reproduce them. A screenshot and savegame might also help.

Have fun playing.

58 Replies

Sweet! Thanks for the hard work and sharing guys!

Thanks you two! Nice to have.

thank you for all of your hard work thunder and ben! it is really great to see another japanese game translated. the love that this quirky counsel gets is astonishing. i’ll find some time this week to play with this initial release and look for any problems that need fixing.


Although I have yet to try it myself, I want to add my own to the chorus of well-deserved thanks. It’s hard for me to even find time to play games, and you guys are spending your own to make them accessible to those of us unable to read Japanese!

Awesome work Ben and Thunder! Finally I can play this game and know what the hell is going on 🙂

Thanks a lot! Will try it when I get back home from vacation.

Big thanks to Thunderstruck and Ben for making this translation!

This is not going to help for me making a fishing game fun, but in any case, GOOD JOB.

I’ve always enjoyed me a game of Virtual Fishing, now I can understand what’s going on.

Thanks alot for all your hard work! Thunder and Ben.

Glad I didn’t try this myself. I’m no where near as good as you boss.

Thank you both very, VERY much for doing this work.

I actually find the game quite therapeutic but could never really understand what was going on, so will look forward to giving this some play time!

Thanks again you guys, awesome effort for the VB community!

Thanks for all the hard work you guys put into this! Maybe this could be a future physical release!

hawk1010 wrote:
Maybe this could be a future physical release!

If it is completely translated and tested this might happen. It will have a “Reproduction-Card” stamp on the box to avoid scams if it happens.

thunderstruck wrote:

If it is completely translated and tested this might happen. It will have a “Reproduction-Card” stamp on the box to avoid scams if it happens.

You could even take it a step further and design a new box and have the description of the game mention that it is a fan-translation. Even the logo could say “Virtual Fishing: English Fan-Translation”. The manual could also clearly state this and even have a few pages dedicated to the process, who was involved, and include a description of what was translated.

I think a mix of both ideas would be cool, have a reproduction logo, but you could have it stamped on the box, manual, and possibly cart if need be. I like the idea of dedicating some instruction book space to give credits and details.

I also think that both ideas are good ideas. No one what’s to get scammed.

Anyway, great work you guys, Just been playing and its good to be able to understand what’s going on, but I still suck at this game. Lol.

Due to the efforts of people like thunderstruck..this community is a better place.

It’s easy to sit back and take what the community gives you, but to take your own time and efforts to give back to the community..that’s what makes it special.

I think thunders idea of changing the general box art is a great one and I support it with all I have. It’s nice to have a community release that looks like it was official, but if one person buys it thinking it’s an official release..it’s not worth it. If it’s one thing this community is about…it’s not scamming people.


kinda wishing we had that pesky “like” button. well said!

bigmak wrote:
Due to the efforts of people like thunderstruck..this community is a better place.

It’s easy to sit back and take what the community gives you, but to take your own time and efforts to give back to the community..that’s what makes it special.

I think thunders idea of changing the general box art is a great one and I support it with all I have. It’s nice to have a community release that looks like it was official, but if one person buys it thinking it’s an official release..it’s not worth it. If it’s one thing this community is about…it’s not scamming people.


While I understand completely, I like that all releases have looked like the US releases. It makes them look nice together and uniform on my shelf (I proudly display the Planet VB releases with the official releases).

If you do decide to change things up, it will however, not tarnish my support and you can count on my commitment to purchase and support every release you guys put out. Thank you all for the time and effort you’ve put into each of these releases.

I decided finally complete this translation. It actually only took one day to get everything done. Here is what I added:

– add translation for the ending (when you win the game)
– fix all time record screen
– replaced title image (I took the logo from VirtuousRage without asking)
– replace image in the stage selection
– change the version to indicate it is an english release

So, there you go. As far as I can tell the translation is complete (except for a strange dialog that I found in the game, but that is never shown). Have fun fishing… I guess.


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