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Oculus Rift Founder Says Nintendo’s Virtual Boy ‘Hurt’ The VR Industry

He’s right about the contrast thing! But can he really say VB hurt the VR industry when the VR industry didn’t really exist back then? (at least not in a widespread public way)

6 Replies

The photo in the article has the stand on backwards. O-:<

He’s obviously saying that to make the Rift appear better. Wasn’t VB criticized for being too expensive? The Rift costs even more and it requires a powerful computer to run. Sure, it is an impressive achievement but far from perfect.

We have a good thread about it:


I didn’t want an Oculus before and this has further cemented my decision. Way to alienate a potential customer base.

He has probably been asked about or heard comparisions to the VB more than we could imagine. At this point it sounds like he is just sick of explaining that the Nintendo Virtual Boy wasn’t and isn’t “VR”.

The Rift is still incredibly interesting, as are all VR headsets. I could care less what his personal views or PR team has to say. It comes down to how I feel about the experience. What I don’t like is the $1,500+ price estimation being tossed around.


Little does the Oculus founder realize his invention will share the same fate as the very thing he criticizes..

Squeegor wrote:
Little does the Oculus founder realize his invention will share the same fate as the very thing he criticizes..

I think it’s fate might be that cheaper but similar devices catch on while the innovative rift fades into the annals of history due to being priced out of the market.


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