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I have completed my Insecticide game/ Since I would like to have a nice label for it and can’t draw very well, I am holding a label making contest, where the winner gets a free cartridge of Insecticide with the winning label on it. By the way, please do not use the standard U.S. or Japanese templates. I would like to have it be something totally original. Think of the label as a blank canvas. More details will be forthcoming.

40 Replies

That sounds like fun, I’ll probably give it a go

Excellent idea, I will try to come up with a creative label design.
Does anyone have a template for the dimensions of the Virtual Boy cartridge label?

Count me in! I’ve been making labels all week for my Everdrives. Challenge accepted! This should be fun. Good luck to everyone 🙂

For those of us with no graphic design skills, will there be a cib release of Insecticide so that we get to enjoy the game with the rest of our VB collection?

I sure hope so because so many people have always wanted a fighting game (some of us have Hyper Fighting but not everyone). This game needs to be in our collections.

In case anyone needs them, the label dimensions are about 2-1/16″ x 1-11/16″ or 53 x 43mm.

Awesome RunnerPack! That’s very helpful!

Hopefully if you’re designing a label, you wouldn’t mind designing a box as well.

Is there some more info regarding this label contest? Like how much text has to be included or is it going to be a regular sized box? I would like to start designing but am afraid to start without any input. Would be a bummer if we had to start over because we missed some important info.
And please don’t make the deadline too tight, I’m planning on putting some effort into this 😀

There is no required text, you can do what you please. Here is the box template.

Here is a label template to get started on. I’ll have to check to see if you can erase everything and start anew.


So we also need to design the box?? And can we participate with various designs?

You don’t have to design the box, but it would help.

Do we post our label here or we send it to you by PM?

I guess PM me with it.

CONTEST DEADLINE: March 31, 2016.
Just wanted to let everyone know.

Can i send another design?


Two weeks left. C’mon, people, do this.

So, who won?

PVB member “Jacuk” won.


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