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I don’t know what to do! I was trying to test it then it shutdown and i smelled a slight odor. I feel like I might need professional help for this one. I don’t even think the oven or hair dryer methods worked either so I am 0 for 2 right now. Please help

7 Replies

Can you give more details on what you were doing? Were you trying to fix it with the power on, and outside of the plastic case, like you have shown in the picture? Why? What was the problem in the first place? What were you touching, or what was moving and could have shorted out when it turned off? Any idea where the smell came from? Do you see any burnt components?

If you put a straw up your nose and sniff while moving the straw around the board, you may be able to narrow down exactly where the burning smell came from… though it would be easier immediately after it burns. Do you have and know how to use a multimeter? Can you check for +5V and the input voltage from the power coming out of the controller at the motherboard? Do you see a dim red light on the voltage regulator (black board sticking up at the edge of the motherboard near the right eye display)?

Does the system do anything when you turn it on? Do the mirrors move, does the game make sounds, etc?


DogP’s questions need to be answered before we can really help you. Though I can tell you one thing, sometimes the displays only work for a very short while and then they lose their connection to the display boards and show nothing while the VB still works. What were you doing when your VB supposedly stopped working?

Alright to DogP, first of all thank you and I was hoping you would see this. Anyway to answer all your questions, yes the power was on the way it is sitting. I was moving parts around to try and get some display since the oven and hair dryer re glue didn’t work and don’t work when I press on the cables so I’m guessing this has something more to it that needs to be addressed I just don’t know what. When it power down I was mainly touching the piece where the controller plugs in. I don’t see anything burnt on the mobos and that red led you mentioned does start to power up after a few seconds and slowly becomes becomes bright. Before I took it apart the mirrors moved and the right eye worked quite nicely. Bought it from an antique store with the ac adapter and wario land for 15 bucks.
Also thanks TheForce81 for your reply.

Do the mirrors still move when you turn it on? Can you hear the game play? I’d be a little bit surprised if your voltage regulator is working but everything is seemingly dead. Knowing which component smoked would definitely help figure out what happened and what will need to be done to fix it (if even possible… if one of the custom chips is dead, there’s not really much that can be done).

The original problem was almost certainly a display (cable). Sometimes baking/hair dryer doesn’t work… but if the rest of the console and one display was working, there was almost certainly nothing wrong with the console besides the bad display. It likely just needed to be soldered.


The mirrors stopped working and there is no games sound. Even before I took it apart I would sometimes turn it on, hit A a few times and no game sounds. And I’m guessing the voltage regulator is the black card with the led?

Is it possible that if I accidentally touched the back of a solder point where the controller plugged in to the ground point , that I shorted it out? The led definitely comes on but the mirrors don’t move. Just tested for game sound got nothing. Maybe the capacitors I have no idea. I really hope this didn’t permanently die

mrobins230 wrote:
Is it possible that if I accidentally touched the back of a solder point where the controller plugged in to the ground point , that I shorted it out? The led definitely comes on but the mirrors don’t move. Just tested for game sound got nothing. Maybe the capacitors I have no idea. I really hope this didn’t permanently die

In those systems it is highly unlikely that you would have burnt out anything due to your finger touching any contacts, those parts were/are just very resistant to stuff like that, though the stopping of the spinning of the mirrors is pretty strange, almost sounds as if you just disconnected a cable from one of the boards by accident, or slightly knocked out of connection. Did you try and push all the cables?


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