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wces95_01…like this Galactic Pinball beta title screen are new today: a total of 19 new ones from Galactic Pinball, Red Alarm, Teleroboxer and Vertical Force, plus there are 3 new Mario Techdemo screenshots and infos.

The Advertising section got a big update either with the new Campaign and In-Store promos sections as well as a new ad from Atlus (Jack Bros.), a beta box of Wario’s Treasure Hunt from an Electronics Boutique ad can be found in the Games section.

Infos about the PHSCologram called “Panic Bomberman” from (art)n can be found in Hardware/Miscellaneous.

At last there’s an update in the Links: Pat’s Virtual Boy Page is back with new webspace and a new site called Virtual Boy 2k has been online for a few weeks now!

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