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Game Expo ’95 was the first and (to our knowledge) only Game Expo, a show that was promoted as the first dedicated next-generation exhibition. Of the expected three major players, Sony, Nintendo and Sega, only the first two made appearances at the show, which was relatively under-attended and not very well visited by Japanese game show standards, with only 49 companies taking floorspace.

PlayStation titles occupied about 60% of the total show space, but Nintendo had a strong presence as well. It was marked by a huge Virtual Boy Booth, which generated a significant amount of interest amongst the show goers. In a dedicated area, 3D projections of Mario’s Dream Tennis and Red Alarm were shown. Teleroboxer was playable at several demonstration units at the booth.

Event details
From: March 24, 1995
To: March 26, 1995
Location: Tokyo