Original Post

Well i never found this website until just a little bit ago, I personally did not know it had fan websites.

I picked up this virtual boy it looked alright it was in a pawn shop ( $20 couldn’t go wrong). I brought it home cleaned up it and i noticed some problems, this thing has image issues,
one side is clear the other is distorted ( like glitchy type)

I can post a picture on photobucket once i locate some living batteries again, πŸ™‚
If you guys know anything about this sort of issue it would be a great help!
Aswell i need an AC adaptor
Thanks much!

4 Replies

Hope this helps for the glitchy display (thank DogP for it):


Hope this helps for the AC adaptor:

http://www.ebay.com :))))

Hah thanks much for the welcome!

πŸ™‚ The solution to fix it terrifies me but im up for it.
o_o preheat oven? lol. and AC adaptor found one! its for japan though so i don’t know if it will work on my north american Model.

πŸ™‚ thanks for the help! Im sort of sick of playing Mario Tennis and Red Alarm with crummy aim haha.

πŸ˜€ This system is amazing! i can’t wait to get a good mario game for it! or pinball!

πŸ˜€ This system is amazing! i can’t wait to get a good mario game for it! or pinball!

Galactic Pinball is really good fun. I would definitely recommend that one. πŸ™‚

i can’t wait to save up money!
once i sell my world of warcraft account i should have enough!


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