Original Post

This thread is for my preliminary English translations of the information on the box and in the instruction booklet of “SD Gundam Dimension War,” one of the “Japan Only” Virtual Boy games. As I did with my translations for “V-Tetris,” “Virtual Bowling,” “Space Invaders Virtual Collection,” “Virtual Lab,” “Space Squash,” and “Insmouse No Yakata” (“Mansion of Insmouse”), I once again make mention of the fact that I myself do not know or speak Japanese and, rather, rely on translation software programs and online Japanese to English dictionaries and other online sources to make the translations. Nevertheless, I have gotten the hang of using such sources and am quite confident that these translations accurately convey the meaning of the original Japanese information. Still, I post my work here with the hope of receiving helpful input from others who may have better knowledge of the meaning of certain sections.

Preliminary English Translations for the Front of the Box:

[In the upper left-hand corner]


[The main title]

ディメンション ウォー

[Above the picture in the lower left white box]


[Beneath the picture in the lower left white box]


[Beneath the lower left white box]

© 創通エージェンシ ・サンライズ
© 創通エージェンシ ・サンライズ ・テレビ朝日


39 Replies

Translation for In-Game Story After Mission 4:

われわれは みごと てきの せんめつに せいこうした

われわれは そんしょうのはげしいzガンダムのかわりにF91を



We had admirable success in annihilating the enemy units.

As a substitute for the severely damaged Z Gundam, we obtained F91 from the enemy. We then headed towards the colony.

As we approached, we noticed that enemy forces were already waiting.

Translation for In-Game Story After Mission 5:

われわれは みごと てきの せんめつに せいこうした




We had admirable success in annihilating the enemy units.

V2 Gundam, whose development had been delayed, finally came into G Force.

“With this, we can head to the enemy’s mobile suit development base.” As we hurried to the destination, more enemy units appeared in front of us.

Translation for In-Game Story After Mission 6:

われわれは みごと てきの せんめつに せいこうした

テキきちへそうこうげきをかけるべく たのぶたいとごうりゅうした
Gぶたいは ここでもしんがたMSをとうさいした



We had admirable success in annihilating the enemy units.

In order to make a full-scale attack on the enemy base, G Force was joined with other forces, being equipped with new mobile suit models once again.

There, enemy forces came to attack.

Translation for In-Game Story After Mission 7:

われわれは みごと てきの せんめつに せいこうした


われわれもさいしゅうMSをとうよし テキMSをおった


We had admirable success in annihilating the enemy units.

So finally, the attack was to begin. We were to raid into the midst of the enemy’s last mobile suits.

We treated our final mobile suits and pursued the enemy mobile suits.

Translation for In-Game Story After Mission 8:

われわれは てきの しんがたMSの せんめつに せいこうした
このさくせんの せいこうで たたかいは しゅうけつへ むかった


We were successful in annihilating the enemy’s new mobile suit models. With the success of our tactics, the war has come to its end.

To see English translations on this site that were already made for the credits appearing on the following screens, under Games / Released Games / SD Gundam Dimension War, click on the “Game Credits” tab.

Translation for the Defeat Screen:

われわれは おおくの せんりょくを うしない はいぼくした


We lost a lot of forces and were defeated.


I read that a possible reproduction of the game on a cart would be available sometime and a label was needed. I am not super fantastic at label reworking but this is what I made.


Heres a higher definition version of my label design for SD Gundam!


That’s pretty good. One thing I notice, “VSDJ” would appear as “VSDE” for the English version of the game.

Actually, I notice that some games that were made both for Japan and the USA have “VXXJ” for the Japanese version of the game and “VXXE” for the English version, whereas others do, indeed, have “VXXJ” for both versions. Does anybody know why that occurs in some cases? Should it have always been “VXXE” for the English version and they simply forgot to change it themselves, perhaps?

I like it the way it is, but yea I tried my best to get a close match to the original Japanese label as possible.

Here is another possible image to be used as a sticker for a reproduction cartridge of SD Gundam Dimension War. This one was made by my friend Luke. Many thanks to him for this.

That’s very nice, great work by Luke on that logo! I wonder why he used the box front as a base and not the original cart sticker? Also, the aspect ratio is pretty off.

Good job on the translation Ben. With reproduction carts do we still contact Richard?

KR155E wrote:
That’s very nice, great work by Luke on that logo! I wonder why he used the box front as a base and not the original cart sticker? Also, the aspect ratio is pretty off.

The box front was used because on the original sticker, too much text that would need to be eliminated overlapped the pictures. It would be hard for Luke to eliminate such text while preserving the pictures, but perhaps someone with better skills could do so. The box image was then distorted slightly to make the height and width of the whole image in the right proportions to the height and width of a cart sticker, without cropping off too much of the bottom of the picture in the process. If someone can modify the actual sticker image better, attached is a high res scan of such.


VBrulez wrote:
Good job on the translation Ben. With reproduction carts do we still contact Richard?

The last I checked, Richard said he could make a reproduction cart of just about any game you want, so yes, you can contact him about this. He probably still wants 3 donor carts per reproduction cart made, but check with him to be sure. If you don’t like one of the stickers already posted on here, however, you’ll probably have to send him one of your own.

Ben, can you send me the patched ROM please ?


Sure. I’ll e-mail you the patched and padded ROM as soon as I get home from work in a few hours. I already tested it in my FlashBoyPlus and it works fine, so it should be ready to go for any reproduction cartridges.


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