Original Post

This thread is for my preliminary English translations of the information on the box and in the instruction booklet of “Space Squash,” one of the “Japan Only” Virtual Boy games. In addition, I hope to verify the accuracy of and/or suggest changes to the English translations for the in-game screens, which appear in the English Translation (Beta) Patch for Space Squash, as well as create translations for the in-game screens, for which there are currently no publicly available English translations. As I did with my translations for “V-Tetris,” “Virtual Bowling,” “Space Invaders Virtual Collection,” and “Virtual Lab,” I once again make mention of the fact that I myself do not know or speak Japanese and, rather, rely on translation software programs and online Japanese to English dictionaries and other online sources to make the translations. Nevertheless, I have gotten the hang of using such sources and am quite confident that these translations accurately convey the meaning of the original Japanese information. Still, I post my work here with the hope of receiving helpful input from others, who may have better knowledge of the meaning of certain sections.

Preliminary English Translations for the Front of the Box:

[To the lower right of “SPACE SQUASH”]

スペース スカッシュ

[In the black bar at the bottom]


71 Replies

Preliminary English Translations for Page 19 of the Instruction Booklet:

「MAX HP+1」
また、ストックされた♥数はGAME OVERまで有効です。
Increases Peatron’s maximum ♥ number by 1.
However, the maximum stock of ♥ marks is 8.
Also, the ♥ stock number is effective until Game Over.


また、GAME OVERになるまで有効です。
Accelerates Peatron’s movement.
The speed can be raised up to level 5.
It is also effective until Game Over.


また、GAME OVERになるまで有効です。
Strengthens Peatron’s hitting-back power.
The speed can be raised up to level 6.
It is also effective until Game Over.

Of these, some items can also be obtained by high marks in the bonus stage.

Preliminary English Translations for Page 20 of the Instruction Booklet:

9. ボーナスステージについて

ピートロンには、 ボーナスステージに挑戦してもらいます。
Just moments after defeating a boss,
Peatron gets to challenge the bonus stage.
This is an unusual stage where you receive points by simply hitting the Psycho Ball into
blocks on which pictures are drawn……….
Moreover, in this profitable stage, if you smash everything, in addition to bonus points, you
receive an item……….
Now, please steadily break the blocks here and earn those points!

[Along the right side of the screenshot, going down]



Preliminary English Translations for Page 21 of the Instruction Booklet:

The Bonus Stage is a stage where you simply break the 16 wall blocks in the
center. The ball varies according to the degree of difficulty that you choose. If you
hit and destroy a block, the ball comes back. Please aim for timing and destroy the
blocks with few balls.

Similar to “Concentration,” if you consecutively smash walls of the same picture, it
ups the score further!!

When you get a high score in the Bonus Stage, you
can obtain one of the following items.


Peatron’s movement becomes faster by 1 level.


Peatron’s power to hit back the Psycho Ball becomes


Increases Peatron’s maximum ♥ marks by 1.
(However, the ♥ marks will not increase beyond 8.)

Preliminary English Translations for Page 22 of the Instruction Booklet:

10. TRAINING(練習)モードについて

タイトル画面で、SELECTボタンを押すことにより、簡易メニュー「GAMESTART ・
At the title screen, by pressing the SELECT Button, the simple menu items “GAME START,”
“TRAINING,” and “CONFIG MODE” are displayed. Use up or down on a control pad to select
TRAINING. When you press the A Button, you can enter this mode.

[To the left of the screenshot]

Target Character

[To the right of the screenshot]


[Beneath the screenshot]

Upon entering the TRAINING MODE, first of all, after the explanation of how to operate appears,
press the A Button to enter the training game.

Preliminary English Translations for Page 23 of the Instruction Booklet:

The training game is for practicing how to operate.
This is a game where you simply hit the ball into the five “puffer fish” target characters that
are set up in the middle and the four corners.

ゲームが終わると、HIT RATE〇〇% と表示されます。
There are 30 Psycho Balls available. Please accurately hit each individual ball back, putting
each one into any of the puffer fish.
At the end of the game, you will see a HIT RATE percentage.

このHIT RATEは、フグノスケフグタローズに当たった数により変動します。
This HIT RATE varies according to the number of hits into the puffer fish.
As much as possible, please strive towards a high percentage.

Preliminary English Translations for Page 24 of the Instruction Booklet:

11. 障害物について

“Whall” (Resistant Block)
When there is something located within the field that does not move……. And then, when there is something
that moves in accordance with the laws and that also gets in the way of Peatron……. Also, when there is that
figure which hides and enlivens the development of the game, it is merely a resistant block…….

“Whurl” (Gravitational Whirlwind Machine)
While whirling within the field, it interferes with the Psycho Ball.
When the condition is good, it will also move itself within the field while whirling.

“Bammboo” (Bamboo Shoot-type Whirlwind Machine)
Like a bamboo shoot that has suddenly grown from the ground or ceiling, it interferes with the movement
of the Psycho Ball……. As for the identity of this, it is, of course, a space version of the bamboo shoot…….

“Smi-smiling Fish” (Smiling Mark)
This is a fish that flies around within the field while always smiling. This fish seems to have the
intention of helping Peatron, but no matter how it looks, it is just a mere obstacle…….

In addition, there are other various obstacles in the secret base.
Please find the other obstacles with your own eyes and skill.

Preliminary English Translations for Page 25 of the Instruction Booklet:

12. ナイトメア団

Space Thieves Nightmare Group…….
Now, the opponents whom Peatron fights are these!!

《Fishchara Team of 4》


…… seems to look the same as Peatron, but…….

「パオZOO」 (Translator’s Note: In-game spelling is “パオZO”)

…… at any rate, power and physical strength are tremendous. But, due to the body shape…….


……quickness is quite like a rabbit’s.
Whether or not there is only this charge skill for this one to win…?!


…… the leader of the Fishchara Team of 4.
As one would expect, this one is a quite formidable leader.

Preliminary English Translations for Page 26 of the Instruction Booklet:

《4 Bosses of the Nightmare Group》


……you hesitate in front of the gate, as a wiggling body blocks your way.
There is only the self-proclaimed tough element, and there is no attack by the thing.
But, as for a weak spot……?


……this fellow is like a ninja. When the alter ego is divided into eight bodies, the ♥ are not
reduced at all. However, you can go around hitting the alter ego……..


……it’s as though a gibbon has been altered. It sets up attacks by using its own body.
If you are preoccupied with just the arm…….


……this is the leader of the 4 bosses of the Nightmare Group… THE boss of Nightmare Group.
No one has seen this one’s form…….
Can you ever reach this boss?

Translator’s Note:


The name of the last boss, and my translation of it, is:


Translator’s Insert: My Reasons for the Name Choices

Coming up with English names for the Japanese names of the characters in this game was by no means an easy task for me. During this process, I first tried to investigate the reasons behind each name. Specifically, I tried to determine how the developers at Coconuts Japan Entertainment likely came up with each specific name for each character. As a result of my research, I had to conclude that each name was created based on the type of animal that the respective video game character resembles. Once I determined this, I then had the tough task of coming up with English equivalents for each name. A major rule that I know concerning this subject is that if a name has a certain impact on a listener of the original language in which the name appears, when the name is transferred into another language, it should, if possible, have the same or similar impact on a listener of that language. For example, with the English name “Goofy,” an English speaker readily identifies that the very name of the character relates to the personality of the character, since the word “goofy” is also an adjective meaning “silly” or “ridiculous.” Now, if the specific name “Goofy” is mentioned in a language where the term “goofy” does not exist or where such a term has a completely different meaning, it will not have the same impact on a listener of that language who doesn’t know the English meaning of the term. Thus, the name “Goofy” could be changed appropriately for the language, namely to a term that has an equivalent meaning of goofy, silly, or ridiculous. Now, again, it isn’t always possible to change a name when transferring it into another language, especially whenever certain meanings are lost in the translation, and sometimes the name just has to be left as is by simply transliterating the name into the language in question, that is, changing the alphabetical characters of the one language into the corresponding alphabetical characters of the other language. With that being said, I now want to explain why I chose the various English names for the Japanese names of the characters that appear in this game, explaining why I “Englishized” some of them, meaning made them appropriate for the English language so that an English speaker could receive a similar impact when he or she reads or hears the name as the impact received by a Japanese speaker who reads or hears the original Japanese name, and why I simply had to leave some as they are, solely transliterating the Japanese characters into their English alphabetical counterparts.

Metabe is a plain fish-like character like Peatron. It is fitting, then, that Metabe’s charge skill is always “Shoot Ball,” which causes the ball to be hit back like a torpedo through water, always straight ahead and fast, even as many types of fish themselves can dart through water like torpedoes. I believe that when this name was created, it was created with specific reference to the Siamese fighting fish known as the “betta.” This would certainly be appropriate since “Metabe” is a fighting fish-like character in this game. Since the “betta” is known to be the said type of fish in both the English and Japanese languages, even correctly pronounced similarly in both languages, I felt no need to change the transliterated form of the name, so I left the name as is.

Paozo is a fish-like character whose head resembles an elephant’s, having a long nose and big ears. Paozo also has great strength like an elephant. It is fitting, then, that Paozo’s charge skill is always “Homing Ball,” which causes the ball to be hit back right at the opponent at high speed, in an attempt to smash the opponent, even as elephants themselves are known to use their great weight to smash any threats. I’ve read that “Pao” is a Japanese word that represents the sound an elephant makes, and I know that “zo” is a Japanese word for “elephant.” Thus, a Japanese speaker should readily have an elephant come to mind when seeing both the “Pao” and the “zo,” while an English speaker probably won’t, unless he or she also knows Japanese. Since there is no way to have “elephant” or the sound it makes come to the mind of an English speaker without drastically changing the name, I simply left the name as it is, while transliterating the Japanese characters into their English counterparts. Thus, an English speaker just needs to know that the “zo” portion makes reference to an elephant and the “Pao” portion makes reference in the Japanese language to the sound it makes, hence the name.

Rabbix is a fish-like character whose head resembles a rabbit’s, having long, rabbit-like ears. It is also fitting that Rabbix’s charge skill is always “Speed,” which causes Rabbix to move at a very fast speed for a certain length of time, even as rabbits are known for their fast speeds. ラビット or “rabitto” is one Japanese word for “rabbit.” With the name ラビーX or “rabīx,” one can see that this name was derived from the said Japanese word for “rabbit,” where the “tto” ending of the Japanese word “rabitto” was dropped and “x” was added, while also the vowel sound prior to it was changed from short to long. Thus, a Japanese speaker would readily see that a usual term for “rabbit” was simply modified a little in order to come up with the original Japanese name. Thus, this is an appropriate case where the name should appear largely as the term “rabbit” to an English-speaker with just similar modifications. When deciding upon an English designation, it just didn’t seem appropriate to change the vowel sound of the English word “rabbit” as was done with the Japanese word, so I simply dropped the ending “t” of “rabbit” and came up with “Rabbix,” pronounced just like “rabbit” but with an “x” in stead of a “t.”

Burdlee is a fish-like character whose head resembles a bird’s, having a beak. It is fitting, then, that Burdlee’s charge skill is always “Shield,” which causes a shield to spread over the entire “home base,” even as many birds are known to use themselves as shields to cover their entire nests. バード or “bādo” is a Japanese word for “bird.” In the part of the name バド or “bado,” the only difference from the said Japanese word for “bird” is that the long vowel sound has been changed to a short vowel sound. Again, since the Japanese speaker sees a slightly modified form of the term for “bird” in the name and, thus, has a bird come to mind, the English speaker should see something very similar for the English language. When deciding upon an English designation, it seemed appropriate to keep the vowel sound but just slightly change the spelling of the English word “bird,” to stay consistent with the other slightly modified animal spellings within the other original Japanese names and to still let a bird come to the mind of an English speaker when seeing the name, so I slightly changed “bird” to “burd” and added the “lee” ending, as was done in the Japanese name.

スネィQ = SNAY-Q
Snay-Q is a snake-like character. スネーク is a Japanese word for “snake.” The only differences between this word and the character’s name is that the name スネィQ has a different vowel sound in the middle and ends with the sound “kyu.” Thus, the aforementioned Japanese word for snake was only slightly changed as explained. Now, it didn’t seem appropriate to change the vowel sound of the “a” in “snake.” Therefore, I “Englishized” this word, making it “Snay-Q,” by only changing the pronunciation of the English word “snake” at its end with the “q” sound and modifying the spelling to what I felt was appropriate.

Komoree is a bat-like character, whose form can change into multiple bats. I am pretty confident that this name is derived from one Japanese word for “bat,” which is “koumori,” which I believe is pronounced exactly the same as “Komoree,” so as “KOH-moh-ree.” “Koumori” appear in “Legend of the Five Rings” as shape-shifting bat spirits, so I believe Komoree’s name has reference to this type of fictional character. Any attempt to “Englishize” this word would cause a lot of loss in meaning, since English seems to be limited to the term “bat” alone, which doesn’t carry any any shape- or form-shifting meaning with it, so I left it at “Komoree.” Thus, an English-speaker just needs to know that this name likely has reference to fictional shape-shifting bats known as the “koumori.”

Monki-DK is a monkey-like character. The “DK” in the name is an obvious reference to Donkey Kong. モンキー or “monkī,” is a Japanese word for “monkey.” In the part of the name モンキ or “monki,” the only difference is that the long vowel sound of the Japanese word for “monkey” has been changed to a short vowel sound. Thus, leaving the word basically as it is, just transliterating the Japanese characters into English seemed to be the most appropriate way to convert this name into English, since the short “i” sound is also a good way to shorten the ending vowel sound of “monkey” in English and an English speaker can still have a “monkey” come to mind with “monki.”


ライオーN = LYONE
The last boss, “Lyone,” is a lion-like character. ライオン or “raion” is a Japanese word for “lion.” In the name ライオーN or “Raiōn,” the only difference from the common Japanese word for “lion” is that the “o” sound has been changed to a long “o.” Thus, I Englishized this name by making the “o” sound of “lion” a long vowel sound as well and slightly changing the spelling of “lion” to remain consistent with the other character names, resulting in “Lyone,” pronounced LIE-own, which also sounds pretty cool, I think.

Preliminary English Translations for Page 27 of the Instruction Booklet:

13. コンティニューについて

スペース スカッシュでのGAME OVERは、以下の2種類のみです。
In Space Squash, there are only the following 2 types of Game Over.

・You are defeated by a boss.
・3* points are earned by an opponent.

しかし、スペース スカッシュでは、回数制限はあるものの、コンティニュー(ゲーム継続)
However, in Space Squash, although there is a limit on the number of times, you can continue
(continue the game).

If you select “Yes” in the continue screen, you can resume the game from the beginning of that

選択すると、GAME OVERになってしまいます。
However, this would reduce the number of continues. If you select “No” in the continue screen,
then it is Game Over.

The maximum number of continues is 9.
Please note that during the game, the item called “CONTINUE+1” simply cannot increase the
number beyond 9.

*CONFIG MODE内で、MATCHの数を変更した場合、変更した数分の点を取られると、負けてしまいます。
*If you change the MATCH number in the CONFIG MODE, you get defeated when the opponent earns
the number of points to which it was changed.

Preliminary English Translations for Page 28 of the Instruction Booklet:

14. ハイスコアエントリーについて

スペース スカッシュでは、一定の得点をマークする
In Space Squash, when you get a certain score, you
can make a 3-letter name registration in the high
score entry screen.

名煎入力は、L ・Rいずれかの+ボタンの上下左右で
To input a name, select each letter with up, down, left or right on either the
left or right control pad, and input each with the A Button. You can return to
the previous input with the B Button.

When you press the A Button at the third letter, the entire input will be determined.

※All the records of the high score entries are lost when the power is turned off.

※When you choose “Continue” in the Continue Screen, even if you got a high score,
the score returns to zero and cannot be registered among the high score entries.

Preliminary English Translations for Page 29 of the Instruction Booklet:

15. ピートロン「必勝!!虎の巻」

Your game isn’t going very well…… You don’t know what to do…….
For such a person, we’ll teach you a little bit of simple winning strategy!!

1. 相手のキャラ達もチャージ技を取得している。
Even the opponent characters have acquired charge skills.
When “ATTACK!!” appears in the place of an opponent’s power gauge, watch out!!

2. ボスは、ボールをぶつけていくと変化をしてくる……。
The boss changes as it keeps getting hit by the ball…….
Also, think you cannot defeat it by any means? When you cannot readily defeat it, try different things!
Please try using the “Homing Ball” charge skill. Then see……!

3. 相手のキャラ達には、それぞれ特徴がある。
There are unique characteristics in the opponent characters.
Once you grasp the characteristics of each, the development of the game should become much easier!!

4. どうしても勝てない。
エッ? エリア Aから進めない……!? そ、それは、もっと練習してもらわないと…。
Just cannot seem to win?
At such a time, how about trying to change the route of choice?
What? You cannot make it past Area A……!? In that case, you will have to practice more….

5. 障害物をすり抜けるサイコボール!?
The Psycho Ball goes through an obstacle!?
In rare cases, when the game is prolonged and the hitting back persists and the velocity of the ball
keeps speeding up steadily, it is said that there are times that when one makes a deadly shot, it will go
through an obstacle…….
Will you ever be able to experience this legendary shot?

Preliminary English Translations for the Back Page of the Instruction Booklet:

[At the very top, to the right of “VIRTUAL BOY”]

バーチャルボーイTM は任天堂の商標です。


This product is for sale and use in Japan only;
in addition, commercial rental is prohibited.

[Beneath the above]

株式会社 ココナッツジャパン エンターテイメント
TEL 03-5276-7301 ©1995 COCONUTS JAPAN

1-6-7-702 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102, Japan
Tel: 03-5276-7301 ©1995 COCONUTS JAPAN

Translations for In-Game Training Mode Controls Screen:

Controller Functions

[Left Trigger Button]

[Left Control Pad]

[START Button]

[Right Trigger Button]

[Up on the Right Control Pad]
Up Punch

[Right on the Right Control Pad]
Right Punch

[Down on the Right Control Pad]

[Left on the Right Control Pad]
Left Punch

*Translator’s Note: I would have translated the information under the Left and Right Trigger Buttons as “Charge Skill” instead of as “Charger,” but I understand that this information appears as “Charger” on the VS Screens in the version of Space Squash with the English Translation (Beta) Patch applied to it, probably because of limited character space. I agree that the word “Charger” works and should be used if character space limitations require it.

Translations for In-Game Intro Screen:

You are a member of Space Patrol.
Receiving an emergency signal from Animal Star,
you located the secret base of Space Thieves Nightmare Group,
which is involved in wrongdoing at Animal Star.
You now enter the base to defeat
Nightmare Group!

Translations for In-Game VS Screens:

[What always appears in the large box at the bottom]

ひだりのカーソルキーで チャージわざを へんこうできます。
わざが きまったら Aボタンで ゲームスタート!

[The translation that should appear in this box in the game]

Change Charger with left pad.
Press A to begin the match!

[Full translation, not shortened due to character space limitations]

You can change the Charge Skill with the left control pad.
Once you have decided on a skill, press the A button to begin the match!

[Translations for all character names that can appear on a VS Screen]

ピートロン = PEATRON
スネィQ = SNAY-Q
ライオーN = LYONE

[The current translations for all the charge skills in the patched game are accurate, though I’ve noticed a misspelling for “Speed,” namely “Speedd,” which occurs if one goes back to it after just viewing “Shield,” resulting from the “d” of “Shield” not being eliminated.]

[Attached is a screenshot of the VS Screen from the original Japanese ROM, as it appears on the Red Dragon emulator, along with a screenshot of this screen from the ROM with the current English Translation (Beta) patch applied.]

Translator’s Note: From this point on, I will only include translations for in-game screens if I feel that the current English translation in the patched game should, if possible, be changed.

Translation for Area A-1 Defeat Screen:

フン! オレッチに かてないようでは このさきも
みえてるな! かおでも あらって でなおしてこい!

Bah! It doesn’t seem that you can beat
me! Go clean yourself up and start over!

Translation for Area A-1 Victory Screen:

こんなはずじゃ なかったのになー

It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

Translation for Area A-2 Defeat Screen:

このよは パワー! ちからない ヤツ まける!
よわい おまえ まける! パオォォォーソ!

Oh, this power! You, who is
weak, lost! Pao-o-o-ozo!

[Full translation to use, if it fits]

Oh, this power! He, who is without strength, lost!
You, who is weak, lost! Pao-o-o-ozo!

Translation for Area A-2 Victory Screen:

このよは パワー ちからない オレ まける…
つよい おまえ かつ パオーソ!

Oh, this power. You, who is
strong, won. Paozo!

[Full translation to use, if it fits]

Oh, this power. I, who am without strength, lost.
You, who is strong, won. Paozo!

Translation for Area A-3 Defeat Screen:

トロイ! トロイ! ノ ローイ! この スピード じだいに
なんたる ありさま! キミの おあいては カメが おにあいさ!

Slow! Slow! TOO SLOW! This speed yields
to the stronger! You are like a turtle!

Translation for Area A-3 Victory Screen:

Why? ナぜ ナぜ ナぜ ? この スピード じだいに
なんたる ありさま! オレさまが こんなノロマに まけるなんて!

Why? Why? Why? This speed yields to the
stronger! How did I lose to one so slow?!

Translation for Area A-4 Defeat Screen:

まったく よわすぎる! ほんきをだすきにもならん!
のうある タカも ツメの もちぐされだ!

[translation that should appear in the box]

You’re entirely too weak! I hardly
even used my falcon talents and claws!

[full translation, not shortened due to character space limitations]

You’re entirely too weak! You ought to make a serious effort!
I hardly even used my falcon talents and claws!

Translation for Area A-4 Victory Screen:

このワタシが まけるとは! なんという しったい!
せっかくの ツメも たからの もちぐされだ!

I lost! What a disgrace! My precious
claws were a useless treasure!


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