Original Post

This thread is for my preliminary English translations of the information on the box and in the instruction booklet of “Space Squash,” one of the “Japan Only” Virtual Boy games. In addition, I hope to verify the accuracy of and/or suggest changes to the English translations for the in-game screens, which appear in the English Translation (Beta) Patch for Space Squash, as well as create translations for the in-game screens, for which there are currently no publicly available English translations. As I did with my translations for “V-Tetris,” “Virtual Bowling,” “Space Invaders Virtual Collection,” and “Virtual Lab,” I once again make mention of the fact that I myself do not know or speak Japanese and, rather, rely on translation software programs and online Japanese to English dictionaries and other online sources to make the translations. Nevertheless, I have gotten the hang of using such sources and am quite confident that these translations accurately convey the meaning of the original Japanese information. Still, I post my work here with the hope of receiving helpful input from others, who may have better knowledge of the meaning of certain sections.

Preliminary English Translations for the Front of the Box:

[To the lower right of “SPACE SQUASH”]

スペース スカッシュ

[In the black bar at the bottom]


71 Replies

Translation for Area A-5 Defeat Screen:

ワシにかつのは ひゃくねん はやいわ! シャァァァー
S-s-s-s-s-s-s…… You wouldn’t
win in a hundred years-s-s-s!

Translation for Area A-5 Victory Screen:

なかなかヘビィな たたかいだっ たニョロー!
しかし このオレサマが まけるなんてな…

This was a rather s-s-s-snaky battle!
However, I myself have lost!…

Translation for the Bonus Stage’s “Losing” Screen:

ざんねん プレゼントは もらえません

Sorry, you can’t get a gift

Translation for the Bonus Stage’s “Winning” Screen:

すきなものを 1つだけ プレゼント

Choose a gift that you like

Translation for Area B & C-1 Defeat Screens:

フン! オレッチは おまえみたいな よわいやつが
だいきらいだ! このよは つよいやつが せいぎだ!

Bah! I hate weak ones like you! In this
world, justice is with the strong!

Translation for Area B & C-1 Victory Screens:

うう う ゥ ゥ ゥ ゥ もしかして
オレッチって よわいのかなァ…
Uuuggghhh… I wonder
if perhaps I am weak…

Translation for Area B & C-2 Defeat Screens:

ちからないオマエ! なんどやってもムダ!
やるたびに オマエのよわさ わかるだけ!

[translation that should appear in the box]

You have no strength! Everything
you do only shows your weakness!

[full translation, not shortened or changed due to character space limitations]

You have no strength! Whatever you do is useless!
Every time you do something, only your weakness is seen!

Translation for Area B & C-2 Victory Screens:

ちからないオレ! オマエにまける
やるたびに オレのよわさ わかるだけ!

[translation that should appear in the box]

I have no strength! Everything
I do only shows my weakness!

[full translation, not shortened or changed due to character space limitations]

I have no strength! I lost to you.
Every time I do something, only my weakness is seen!

Translation for Area B & C-3 Defeat Screens:

キミの スピードでは オレさまに おいつけないよ!
オレさまことしんの スピードキング!!!!

With your speed, you can’t catch up
with me! I am the true speed king!!!!

Translation for Area B & C-3 Victory Screens:

2ども オレさまの スピードに おいつくとは!
オレさまも キミのように ノロマと いうことか…

You caught up with my speed twice!
It can be said I am slow like you…

good job benjamin, you always support in this page!

Thanks, Richard LP, for the words of encouragement.

Translation for Area B & C-4 Defeat Screens:

そのていどの ちからで わたしに かてると
おもっているとは はじを しれ!

Shame on you for thinking that you can
beat me with that low-grade effort!

Translation for Area B & C-4 Victory Screens:

このていどの たたかいで このワタシがまけるとは…
じつに むねん! その いのち しばらくのあいだ あずけたぞ!

I lost this low-grade battle?… Truly
regrettable! Next time, you’re mine!

Translation for Area B & C-5 Defeat Screens:

キサマの オイルは うまそうだ
じっくり あじわうとしよう キィ キィ キィ

Your oil looks good. Let me savor
it thoroughly! *squeak* *squeak*

Translation for Area B & C-5 Victory Screens:

バットタイミング! このくやしさは だれに ぶつけたら いいってんだ!
BUT(しかし) いつかきっと キサマの いのち もらいにいくぞ!

Bat-timing! I wish I could knock you
down! But surely someday I’ll get you!

Translation for Area D, E, F & G-1 Defeat Screens:

なんかいたたかっても ムダだ! オレッチには

It is no use fighting me!
You cannot win against me!

Translation for Area D, E, F & G-1 Victory Screens:

なんで かてないんだよゥ… チェッ!
チェッ チェッ チェッ!

(The current in-game translation is very accurate)

Translation for Area D, E, F & G-2 Defeat Screens:

パオォォォーーソ! いくらたたかっても オマエ だめ!
おまえのよわさ みな しっている!

No matter how much you fight, you’re
useless! Everyone knows your weakness!

[full translation, not shortened due to character space limitations]

Pao-o-o-ozo! No matter how much you fight, you’re
useless! Everyone knows your weakness!

Translation for Area D, E, F & G-2 Victory Screens:

パオォォォーーソ! いくらたたかっても オレ だめ!
オレのよわさ みな しっている…

No matter how much I fight, I’m
useless! Everyone knows my weakness…

[full translation, not shortened due to character space limitations]

Pao-o-o-ozo! No matter how much I fight, I’m
useless! Everyone knows my weakness…

Translation for Area D, E, F & G-3 Defeat Screens:

ノロイくせに なまいき! キミには オレさまを

Audacious and yet slow! You cannot
overtake me!!!!!

Translation for Area D, E, F & G-3 Victory Screens:

ノロイくせに なまいき! オレさまが キミを
おいこせないだと ? ウウゥ ゥ しんじたくない…

Audacious and yet slow! Why couldn’t I
overtake you? Ugh! I can’t believe it…

Translation for Area D, E, F & G-4 Defeat Screens:

うでをあげたな…しかし まだ まだ みじゅく!
もっとしょうじんし うでを あげよ!!

You increased your skill… but you’re
still inexperienced! Concentrate harder!

[full translation, not shortened or changed due to character space limitations]

You increased your skill… but you’re still inexperienced!
Increase your skill and concentration some more!!

Translation for Area D, E, F & G-4 Victory Screens:

うでをあげたな… しかし おごるでないぞ! わずかな
おごりが はいぼくを まねく…

You increased your skill… but don’t be
haughty! Haughtiness leads to defeat…

[full translation, not shortened due to character space limitations]

You increased your skill… but don’t be haughty!
A small amount of haughtiness leads to defeat…

Translation for Area D, E, F & G-5 Defeat Screens:

ゴッホ ゴッホ ゴッホ ゴッホ ゴッホ
キーッキッキッキッキッキッ キャキャキャキャキャッ!!!!

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, eeh-eh-eh-eh
eh-eh, aah-aah-aah-aah-aaahhh!!!!

Translation for Area D, E, F & G-5 Victory Screens:

キャキャキャッ キーキーキーキーキーキーキーキーーー
ゴホッ ゴホッ ゴホゴホゴホゴホ ゴボゴボゴボ… ピー

Aah-aah-aaahhh, eeh-eeh-eeh-eeh-eeh-eeh
eeh-eeehhh, ooh-ooh, oho-oho-oho…

Translation for Area H, I, J, K, L, M, N & O-1 Defeat Screens:

よくがんばったけど ま そのていどって コトだよ!
おまえのじつりょくじゃ オレッチのあしもとにも およばない!

You tried your best, but your
abilities are no match for mine!

Translation for Area H, I, J, K, L, M, N & O-1 Victory Screens:

4どめの しょうじきって ことばあったっけ?
えっ ? ない ? シェェェェェェッ!

Any frank words for the 4th time?
Huh? No? Sheeeeeesh!

Translation for Area H, I, J, K, L, M, N & O-2 Defeat Screens:

なかなかやるな! でもオレ ちから うえ!
なんどやっても ムダなこと!

You’re pretty good! But my strength is
superior! Whatever you do is no use!

Translation for Area H, I, J, K, L, M, N & O-2 Victory Screens:

オマエつよい おれヨワイ….
なんどやっても ムダだった….

You’re strong. I’m weak….
Whatever I did was no use….

Translation for Area H, I, J, K, L, M, N & O-3 Defeat Screens:

なかなかのスピード でも オレさまのほうが もっと
はやい! おそいヤツがまけるのは あたりまえのこと!!

Good speed, but I’m much faster!
It is natural for the slower to lose!!

Translation for Area H, I, J, K, L, M, N & O-3 Victory Screens:

なかなかのスピード でも オレさまのほうが もっと
はやいハズ! おそいオレさまがまけるのは あたりまえのことなのか?

Good speed, but I should be faster!
Is it natural for the slower to lose?

Translation for Area H, I, J, K, L, M, N & O-4 Defeat Screens:

そのくらいで やめておけ! まけを かさねて なんになる?
ぶざまにまけて ハジの うわめりを するばかり ではないか!

Giving up?! How about losing again?
Don’t be ashamed of miserably losing!

Translation for Area H, I, J, K, L, M, N & O-4 Victory Screens:

4どのたたかい… かんぜんなる はいぼく…
あっぱれ! みごとな しょうぶであった!

After 4 battles, defeat is now complete.
Well done! It was an impressive match!

Translation for Area H, I, J, K, L, M, N & O-5 Defeat Screens:

このワタシに かとうとは オロカモノめ! キサマのような どこのものとも
わからぬヤツにまけはせぬ! このワタシこそ KING OF KING!!!

You’re foolish for trying to beat
me! I’m the king of kings!!!

Translation for Area H, I, J, K, L, M, N & O-5 Victory Screens:

このワタシが このようなヤカラに やぶれたのか…このライオーNも
おちたものよ… このおごりが ワタシに はいぼくを もたらしたのだ

I lost to such a one? I, Lyone, have
fallen… Arrogance brought me defeat.

This concludes my translations for Space Squash. As a critique on the translations provided by the user “Feel,” which appear in the current English Translation (Beta) Patch, I must say that it is clearly evident that “Feel” did not know Japanese either when he created the translations and that he used similar means as I do when he made them. However, it is also clear that on many occasions, he either guessed at the meaning of the words that the translation software programs could not translate for him, based on the surrounding context that he was sure of, or else he entirely invented his own surrounding context around the few words that the programs were able to translate for him. I’m not saying this to be mean or anything, but I know for certain that this is the truth, based on what I have observed. That being said, I want to state that I made extra effort during countless hours to ensure the accuracy of each translation. This process was very long and time consuming and took much more research and work than simply comparing and contrasting translation software results, since I was able to learn during the process that many of the Japanese words that appear in the game had to be written by the programmers in non-standard forms because the characters normally used to create the words wouldn’t be able to be read by the player due to the small size of each character. I have a feeling that this must occur a lot in Japanese games with small character sizes. Therefore, if one simply copies and pastes the Japanese information from the game into basically any translator, one will usually get a big mess since many of the words don’t appear in their standard forms. Thus, I had to do much extra research and work in order to figure out the standard forms of each word and then convert each word into its standard form and then use the converted words and sentences in the translation software programs, a very time-consuming step that “Feel” evidently did not take. Because of this, I am very confident that the translations I have provided more accurately convey the meaning of the original Japanese information than those from “Feel.” I won’t dare to say that my translations are perfect, but I hardly did any “guess work” during them. Every single translated word can be traced back to an authoritative source that I used during the process, and if mistakes still arose during this process, then perhaps one who knows Japanese can add the respective corrections to this thread here. The only other thing to note, however, is that sometimes, I did also have to make sentences more concise and even cut out some words as “Feel” did, based on the fact that I believe each of the two lines in the speech box of the game can only fit 40 characters without running outside of the box, if the method for making English characters applied by “Feel” is still used in the future. Thus, my translations should be able to be used as replacements for the ones provided by “Feel,” even if the same types of English characters in the current patch are used again.

Unfortunately, I am not a computer programmer and have no idea how to begin to update the translation patch originally provided by “Feel.” If there is any computer programmer out there who is able and willing to update the translation patch (or make an entirely new one) with my more accurate translations, and perhaps even translate the sections that “Feel” was unable to translate originally, I am sure that many people would greatly appreciate your work.

I’ve also attached an image to this post, which may be used as a sticker for any possible future reproduction carts of the English version of this game.


first of all, thx for all of the translations. I needed some distraction so I took your Space Squash translation and made an English version of the manual.

I basically redrew the complete manual using inkscape. Only the graphics from the cover and the back and the game screenshots are from are from the scans.

Here is the link:

KR155E is looking for a way to add them to the site, though.



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