Original Post

Lets get our 3D game on.

Mine is: 4253-3484-5797

23 Replies

V Jockey

What games did you pick up, VBSAM? I have Street Fighter and Bust-A-Move.

Also, cool the 3DS at least works with WPA wireless security instead of just WEP like DS. πŸ™‚

  • This reply was modified 13 years, 11 months ago by VirtualJockey.

What games did you pick up, VBSAM? I have Street Fighter and Bust-A-Move.

Also, cool the 3DS at least works with WPA wireless security instead of just WEP like DS. πŸ™‚

I picked up Street Fighter and Steel Diver.

Yeah, the WPA support is great! Also, the new friend code system is a major improvement.

VBSAM wrote:

What games did you pick up, VBSAM? I have Street Fighter and Bust-A-Move.

Also, cool the 3DS at least works with WPA wireless security instead of just WEP like DS. πŸ™‚

I picked up Street Fighter and Steel Diver.

Yeah, the WPA support is great! Also, the new friend code system is a major improvement.

You’re in luck, you’ll surely be able to rack up some wins playing me on SF4. I’ve been out of the Capcom Fighting loop since the SF Alpha 3 and Vampire Savior days! ^_^*

As for the WPA support, it’s not ideal but a comfortable happy medium. Before with the DS I’d have to change my router settings every time I played online because I wasn’t happy with WEP as my primary router setting in this day and age.

May I ask where you find to be the best comfortable 24/7 3D slider setting? [So far] I’ve found having the little bar in the center of the slider resting exactly above the glowing 3D logo to be the best for enjoying all the visuals while actively focusing on the foreground objects. I’m loving the depth slider, ala Golf/Red Alarm/3D Tetris depth options.

I’m no good at Street Fighter either haha, I’m starting in Easy Mode trying to work my way up.

I’ve had the depth slider all the way up. Hasn’t given me any problems yet. The only time I cranked it down a bit was playing the AR Games. I should also mention that I tried Pilotwings on a display unit at the store, and I couldn’t handle the 3D if the slider was more than halfway up. Its REALLY nice being able to adjust the depth so freely.

VBSAM wrote:
I’m no good at Street Fighter either haha, I’m starting in Easy Mode trying to work my way up.

I’ve had the depth slider all the way up. Hasn’t given me any problems yet. The only time I cranked it down a bit was playing the AR Games. I should also mention that I tried Pilotwings on a display unit at the store, and I couldn’t handle the 3D if the slider was more than halfway up. Its REALLY nice being able to adjust the depth so freely.

Good times. I can enjoy the 3D settings with the slider at max, but find that the background is *sort of* out of focus when I view the up close characters (same as the VB, have to individually focus your eyes at the up close and at the distant object separately, where-as just about 60% up I can enjoy the 3d for both at the same time if that makes any sense.

I also wear glasses for distance-only, and I find that having them on noticeably hinders the 3D effect even though I can usually see up close while wearing them fine (same with VB, personal problem?).
This is my first hands on experience with an auto-stereoscopic display, and I must say I am pleased with the goods delivered.
3DS = Virtual Boy II
I still prefer the VB, because 3DS still doesn’t submerge & isolate you in a different world the same as say Red Alarm does with your face shoved into a dark mask. The viewing angles could be a little better, but if you don’t flail around a lot during gaming sessions, the 3DS display will deliver the cure for what ails you. πŸ™‚

Here’s mine: 3093-7057-3393

I’m on: 0774-4241-7576



@ VBSam
friend codes from before your 3DS was nicked.

I got your new code in.

One day we’ll all have a game we can actually play across the water, VB fans battling across the planet in 3D, maybe i should grab a fighting game, but can’t right now, funds not looking good.

Just a post to bump this into the list on the front page.

Do we have anymore VB / 3DS owners out there who want to exchange friend codes.
I have not posted mine anywhere else, just seems pointless, but here i feel each PVB member is more like a friend than a random net user so I’m happy to have it up.

Mario Kart 7 is out soon, I see PVB Kart race comps in our future……..

mine is: 0774-4241-7576

Hedgetrimmer wrote:
but here i feel each PVB member is more like a friend than a random net user so I’m happy to have it up.

Does that include me too? despite how crazy I am? πŸ˜›

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:

Hedgetrimmer wrote:
but here i feel each PVB member is more like a friend than a random net user so I’m happy to have it up.

Does that include me too? despite how crazy I am? πŸ˜›

Oh yeah, so long as its ‘crazy weird’ not ‘crazy knife wielding scary’ (image of Virtual Jockey in boiler suit jumps to mind), but I only ever take knives to vegetables.

When do you think you’ll be joining us in full colour 3D?

I completely agree with Hedge on this, not really feel like posting it on other sites, but here it seems to mean more. Here is mine:


Well, here is mine also.

Cheers everyone and happy online gaming!

I am currently playing SSFIV

1719 3344 9466

Hedgetrimmer wrote:

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:

Hedgetrimmer wrote:
but here i feel each PVB member is more like a friend than a random net user so I’m happy to have it up.

Does that include me too? despite how crazy I am? πŸ˜›

Oh yeah, so long as its ‘crazy weird’ not ‘crazy knife wielding scary’ (image of Virtual Jockey in boiler suit jumps to mind), but I only ever take knives to vegetables.

When do you think you’ll be joining us in full colour 3D?

Hey, I like VirtualJockey! πŸ˜›

Anyways, I am hoping by either Christmas-time or January (my birthday month!) I will get a 3DS…

Hedgetrimmer wrote:
Oh yeah, so long as its ‘crazy weird’ not ‘crazy knife wielding scary’ (image of Virtual Jockey in boiler suit jumps to mind), but I only ever take knives to vegetables.

Mind you, I do not eat mammals for a truthful fact. I haven’t had beef or pork in well over 3 years. I’m a strict pesce-pollotarian.

Other than that…
Happy Halloween PVB! πŸ˜€

  • This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by VirtualJockey.
  • This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by VirtualJockey.

VirtualJockey wrote:
I’m a strict pesce-pollotarian.

Other than that…
Happy Halloween PVB! πŸ˜€

I was gonna do that but the spelling & pronunciation put me off, so i just stopped eating animals.

Happy Halloween folks, looking forward to seeing VJ’s dog costume photos πŸ™‚

edit: seem to have drifted way off topic here, sorry folks.

I got so lucky and been gifted another 3DS, in red, this is a US unit, I got resi mercenaries and bit trip saga, friend code is: 2449 4984 2490

def can’t use US carts in UK unit, same the other way, and also don’t allow download play between the 2, which is a bit rubbish really, how would you settle airport international mario kart disputes if only one person has the game on them…..

Hay guys.
This is mine


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