Original Post

I need a bit of help as my VB is packed well away (I am currently doing alot of stuff in my house, plastering etc so VB is wrapped in plastic (like laura palmer) and stored safe so the masses of dust can’t contaminate it) and I am just making up a few power adapters in the small amount of free time I have when not playing but i can’t check the polarity of the contacts on the back of mine so:

Looking at the back of the controller without battery pack or adapter what is the polarity of the left hand and right hand contacts?

In theory just tell me one of them and i can figure out the other…………….well maybe.

Really appreciate if someone could let me know and i can finish off my power adapters, I will have to wait til i can test them on my VB before i offer them for sale or trade here at PVB.

3 Replies

I would wait for someone else to agree with this.

When looking at the back of the controller, the right contact is positive. I may be remembering incorrectly.

If you hold the controller like you’re playing the game, the right hand is -, left hand is +.


Thanks fellas, both your answers match up and i seem to recall having that right is + in my head when looking at the rear, but i needed confirmation.
I will be assembling some units in the next few weeks and will post when ready, I only have a few but if they go then would be worth doing more 😀


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