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I was told that someone here might be putting homebrew games on carts. I would love to play some of the homebrew games on my actual virtualboy and I don’t know of a different way than through the carts. If anyways has info please let me know.


4 Replies

You need to contact Richard Hutchinson, maker of the Flashboy + cartridge. That cart will enable you to load homebrew and commercial roms on the actual Virtual Boy hardware. I’m actually in talks with him now in purchasing one myself, and was told he would start making more next week. That being said, contact him ASAP at his email richard.hutchinson@dsl.pipex.com .

some of the projects have made their way to reproduction carts, but for almost the cost of 1 of these you could grab a FB+.

read more about it here:

I sent an email for Flashboy+. Thanks for the tip. Virtualboy has been my favorite consol since I first played one as a kid, I’m glad I’ll be able to play more games than mario tennis on it lol.

TheNix wrote:
I sent an email for Flashboy+. Thanks for the tip. Virtualboy has been my favorite consol since I first played one as a kid, I’m glad I’ll be able to play more games than mario tennis on it lol.

I can vouch for how fun the Flashboy is; it’s easy to use, once you master the simple “padding”. I never thought I would ever play the rarest games, “Lab” and “V Bowling”. Lab isn’t bad. I never tire of the “WHEW-HEWWWW!” on the prototype of Faceball.

Of course, there’s something to be said for having dedicated, excellent-artwork carts for things like “Bound High” and “Faceball Remastered”. I also bought the prototype (replica) of “space Pinball”. It’s really thrilling to plug in a new game that you’ve never seen before, and even the homebrews accomplish that. I commend the programmers (and am a little jealous of them) and look forward to continued efforts; especially if someone does a Star Wars and/or Zero-Racers lookalike.

BTW, if you can find a “Bound High”, it’s easily the best game for the system (see the E3 youtube video from 1996, Bound High featured opposite Dragonhopper); if you can’t find one, definitely download it and play it on your new Flashboy. It’s exasperating and highly addictive!


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