Original Post
!Warning: epilepsy!
This is a english message by a French, for all people with epilepsy please take 
all the necessary precautions to protect your health. We recommend that you take regular 
breaks every 5 lines.

Hello everyone, I’m Saitama also known as One Punch Man (in reference to the manga “One Punch Man”), I am French, I’m a fan of video games and I recently interested in Virtual Boy. However, I already knew the console by name before. I hope I can be useful to the site and discover things about the Virtual Boy here. Apart from that I have not much else to say about me interresting if not I love Japanese culture both traditional and popular, so I’m also a fan of manga and animated series.
So: No life + Nerd + French = Worst Combo!!!

PS: Sorry for my bad english.

7 Replies

Welcome to the site. You’ve found a great community here. Don’t apologize for your English, there are a lot of people on this site in which English is not their first language. English is my first language and I could not write in any other so I’m always impressed by anybody who can speak more than one language. I recently read (most) of One Punch Man manga online. Where I read it from didn’t have the complete series but I enjoyed what I was able to read.

Without a doubt if your looking for VB information this will probably be your one stop shop.

One Punch Man wrote:

!Warning: epilepsy!
This is a english message by a French, for all people with epilepsy please take 
all the necessary precautions to protect your health. We recommend that you take regular 
breaks every 5 lines.

I like your sense of humor! 🙂

Welcome to VB awesomeness!

Haha, now that was a hot candidate for the funniest self-introduction ever. Besides the good laugh, there’s not really any necessity for that precaution message, though, since your English is very good!

Welcome to the community, One Punch Man!

Welcome to the cult brother.

Thank you for the welcome.

Hello One Punch Man, and welcome to this fabulous forum ! I’m sure you will discover all you could dream about the VB, and much more ! Being myself a french resident I wonder where do you live in France ?

I’m near Rouen, 1 hour west from Paris, following the Seine (it’s fun to see those names in an english text ahah)

See you soon on the forum 😉

Sorry Arvester I don’t live in France but in Switzerland in front of Lake Geneva/Léman.

That said, I’m not Swiss but French. Warning, it makes no false advertising here!


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