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Welcome to “Moonbug” Development Progression Log, also known as “Moonbug” Archive!

Starring MisterMC… and “Moonbug!”

Hello! And welcome to this development forum where I share my progress on “Moonbug” to Planet Virtual Boy.

This is a follow up to this forum – https://www.virtual-boy.com/forums/t/a-new-vb-game-coming-soon-from-mistermc-but-will-he-promise/

For this topic, I’m going to show you my progress to this game to either you see how far I can try, or you’ll feel interested into it.

So if you wanted to check it out often, it goes like this…

Whenever I go work on this project and saw what I’ve done with or having difficulties. I’ll share it to this topic for you to simply read, give feedback or give help.

Enjoy the archive!

8 Replies

-Begin Log Number 1-

I’m on Virtual-Environment window.

I have an picture of a construction map with Moonbug here as a palette practice.

At first I’ve tried to colour Moonbug BMP file with Virtual Boy’s ingame palette, but as I convert it to map contruction, it looked very dark. (so dark that his eyes were gone to blackness)

But as I realized, the original Moonbug BMP file doesn’t need to have the exact same Virtual Boy’s ingame palette, so I’ve tried to brighten up the colours, then when I convert it to map contruction, it’ll look good and have it’s proper Virtual Boy look.

-End Log Number 1-

Looks cool!
Out of interest: have you seen that in the VUEngine studio preview 5 there is a an image editor which takes care of such things?

VUEngine Studio Preview 5 is out

“…and the new image quantizer that runs before conversion. Previously, images had to be indexed PNGs using the correct palette. Now, users do no longer have to worry about such things. In this context, the entity editor now also allows you to create HiColor (7 color frame blending) sprites.”


Thanks! It does look cool, but that’s just the beginning. As it progressed futher, it’ll look even more cooler! (I hope)

Yes, I heard about the VUEngine studio preview 5, I even downloaded it. But I was somewhat confused, because it was like an amazing advanced engine, yet with so much brilliant details that I found out I wasn’t really an expert for this yet.

So I guess I’ll start with what I call it a “beginner’s start” on Virtual-Environment. Is that ok?

-Begin Log Number 2-

I’m on Virtual-Environment window again.

I was learning an tutorial about a code of showing an sprite image; learned from https://www.atari2600land.com/vbdev/

I’ve done all that, then I’ve tried to run it with Reality Boy, but then however it’s all black with no redness. No image at all.

Now as much as I felt shy for saying this, I can’t really understand how did that error happen. At least I have an book “C Programming for Dummies” for this. So for now, I had to figured it out, or if you want to help me out.

I have two pictures of it.

-End Log Number 2-

I can´t really help you with the code, but the tutorial is from Virtual Chris, he is sometimes active here but I think more in the PVB-Discord channel. Perhaps you can ask him directly.


Ok, I’ll think about it.

-Begin Log Number 3-

With the help of VirtualChris, I tried to compile my VB game into a ROM so I can see if my image works.

But even with help, it refused to work…


I read an VIDE’s readme file about compile an VB game into a ROM.

So I’ve did what this file exactly said about compile an VB game “example” to see if it really works…

But to my shock…

It didn’t work at all. Come to think of it, it’s the command prompt’s fault! (That might be true)

I’ll have to get an PC expert to take a look at this.

But if it doesn’t work at all, that might be the very end of the progress I got so far.

-End Log Number 3-

Plus note –

And yes, there is a “example” game in the source folder.

There is rest of the folders of VB games I have that even has thier ROMs.

But the command prompt refused to convert any of them.



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