This is the official announcement for the release of Bound High complete with box and manual like it always should have been.
Together with Mindstorm and Bigmak we have been able to assemble an all star team to get this together.
Couple of notes.
There will be an original 50.
The plan is to make 100 of these total. If there’s enough demand we will continue to make them. But once 100 sell we’ll need a bunch more to do another batch!
If you have already paid and/or agreed to pay for the box and manual, you can still receive the box and manual. Or you can use the money you paid to put towards a Complete in box version.
What you get.
Box, manual, cartridge with label, inlay, and i believe inserts (bigmak?)
These will ship out in roughly 2-3 weeks
The price of the game, shipping included will be
US price $71 USD
International price $75 USD
We’ll be staring on our second release, Space Pinball. We look forward to doing lots of these. And other releases. So, get your butts in gear game designers!
The first 20-30 carts will be in my hand soon. So, the first 20-30 people to pay will get there’s in the order received.
This list is the initial list I have for people that have paid or have requested they be added to the list for box and manual only. These guys/gals get first dibs.
1. Big Mak (planetvb) PAID for box/manual
2. Big Mak (planetvb) PAID for box/manual
3. Ben Stevens (planetvb) PAID for box/manual
4. Gwyndion
5. Uiengineer
6. RpgCollector
7. Cosmiliner (planetvb) PAID for box/manual
8. CoreyCorey2000
9. CoreyCorey2000
10. Alfissta (planetvb) PPAID for box/manual
11. mawa
12. Dr. Evil
13. TheForce81
14. Legandary_Zero (manual only)
15. Dor-Si PAID for box/manual
16. Dor-Si PAID for box/manual
17. VBmills PAID for box/manual
18. Wazzal
19. L__E__T
20. Thunderstruck PAID for box/manual
21 goldendark007
22 Smeagolsama PAID for box/manual
Since I cannot update this original thread I’ll be keeping track on my own and on Nintendo age at this thread. This is the official release thread! If you’re on this list and have paid and I have forgotten, please let me know.
If you’ve paid 25 or 30, just subtract that from the price and that’s what you owe.
Please contact me via PM or post in this thread to be added to the list. The sooner you pay the sooner your game will go out and the higher on the list you will be!
Thanks a bunch. Attached is the box image. The rest will look just as amazing!
DPsx7 wrote:
thunderstruck wrote:
DPsx7 wrote:
Picked up a copy of this too. Sheeze, I stumble across one site and now my wallet hates me. Ha.Don’t miss Space Pinball:
That’s the last reason my wallet hates me. Although I couldn’t find much info or any screenshots I took the chance since the production runs were so limited.
This is the first time I’ve bought homebrew or unofficially produced carts. I’ve considered it before but my problem is that I’ve collected so many games over the years it’s tough to keep playing them all. Often these games have abnormally high prices or sell out before I ever knew they were made.
There’s just something unique about the VB plus the fact it’s the only full set I own with there being only 14 US games. Since the JP games are so expensive and the library so limited the Flashboy cart is next on my list.
Hehe, I hope you will enjoy those game. I am not much of a collector either. I buy games which I intend to play. I honestly think the repos/homebrews released so far are totally worth their money. That’s why I like to point new members towards those games, as they are often not that easy to spot. In the end the number of cards made is very limited so it would be a shame if someone misses his chance to buy it.
I’m in sort of a gray area. I call myself a collector because I’ve amassed a huge assortment of games and systems over the years. I also make the effort to buy clean/complete games.
Yet I’m not one of those crazy people who needs everything sealed. I too buy only what I intend to play (which is still way more than I realistically have time for). Full sets include buying all those yearly sports games and a ton of other fluff I’d never touch, to me it’s a waste of money.
Then I saw these games and thought this would be a great way to extend my VB library which never had many games to start with. In the off chance they become valuable I’m not opposed to collecting rare games that will get better with age. Some of my SNES and PS1 RPG’s are worth a bit more now.
DPsx7 wrote:
I’m in sort of a gray area. I call myself a collector because I’ve amassed a huge assortment of games and systems over the years. I also make the effort to buy clean/complete games. I’m not one of those crazy people who needs everything sealed.
Great collection with a lot of variety!
…but watch who you’re calling crazy… 😛
This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by
Thanks. You’re only crazy if you buy games with no intent to use ’em. Games want to be played, ya know?
Quick question. How long did you folks wait for your games or at least a confirmation note? I don’t want to seem impatient, I just want to know my payment went through and that the games were still available. I didn’t see anything that indicates how many are left.
*Ho-ly crap. It figures my comment would be found by someone like you. Just saw your collection. Whew.
DPsx7 wrote:
Thanks. You’re only crazy if you buy games with no intent to use ’em. Games want to be played, ya know?Quick question. How long did you folks wait for your games or at least a confirmation note? I don’t want to seem impatient, I just want to know my payment went through and that the games were still available. I didn’t see anything that indicates how many are left.
*Ho-ly crap. It figures my comment would be found by someone like you. Just saw your collection. Whew.
I usually have to wait around 3-4 weeks but only because I live in Germany. Just sent Tusk a PM and he will tell you if he received your order and when your stuff ships.
Been a member here for a few years but kinda lost track of what was going on with the vb as real life took over for a while – just happened to look in here again and find out theres been lots going on!! I’m interested in buying one of each of the new releases but was wondering if my order will be marked down as actual value on the customs form or can it be marked as a gift with a low value to ensure i dont get hit with customs when they get delivered to the uk??
Lmk if this is possible and i’ll put an order in for one of each of the new releases!
Many thanks
That is something I’d talk to Uncle Tusk using the web site provided below.
Just received mine today, I have to say, amazing job! I felt like I was buying a brand new game from the store. I would recommend these Repro CIB sets to anyone!
Hello, Are the games still up for sale? I would like to purchase one if that is still an option.
I VERY much want one! Can Uncle Tusk make some more virtual boy cartridges please, I’m on a binge and I’m getting low on games to play for my 3D beauty!
I’m sorry but all Virtual Boy releases are limited releases because supplies for making games are limited. The only way you will be able to buy a copy is by purchasing someone else’s already made game or buying a Flashboy+.
With the amount of money you may end up paying 2nd hand from a collector you would be better off purchasing a FB+. It will pay for it self the first time you load up any ROM, homebrew, translation, hack, demo, etc.
Got my copy today delivered really quickly and undamaged, I am super excited about finally owning this awesome reproduction game, the quality is so good just like the real thing would have looked, many thanks UncleTusker, you are a legend 🙂
I have loved my copy of Bound High for so long, it’s one of the best VB games.
I would really like to purchase one of these! Please contact me!
Thank you in advance.
If it’s not possible to buy one, then you can always play it on a FlashBoy+.
Tekebo wrote:
I would really like to purchase one of these! Please contact me!Thank you in advance.
if you read through some of the posts on this site you’ll come to the understanding that the small run of these that was produced has sold out. those involved did mention an interest in making more, at some point in the future. i guess it will all depend on demand and available parts. i think that future projects (new homebrew/releases) will take priority over re-releasing this game? if you MUST own one: currently your only real chance is to buy it second hand. you should post in the trading forum, i think that may be the best place.
May I purchase one? Again, Im new to this and not sure if my post is even working. Lets hope so.