Original Post

Maybe you’re wondering why Updates have become so rare in the last time… Well, there are two main reasons, the first being exams at university, the other one is a new version of Planet Virtual Boy I am working on!

I am rebuilding and restructuring the site completely in a content management system called Xoops. Currently I am writing the Games module, which will be one of the core elements of the site, and a conversion script to import all the data from our “old” forum.

Below are two work in progress screenshots of the new site. Note that a lot of the elements are only place holders, but this should give you a good idea of how the site will look.

Please don’t expect PVB v3 to launch in the near future, only a very small amount of work is done, so it will take many many more months or more until the site is ready to be opened to the public. I just wanted to get some feedback from you, our readers, to know how you like the layout and which features you’d like to see. So, feel free to discuss about it in this thread.

pvb3_a pvb3_b

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