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How do yo feel when you play Virtual Boy for quite a while?
Do your eyes hurt? Do you have headaches or motion sickness?

12 Replies

The first couple of times that I played the Virtual Boy, it sort of hurt my eyes a little. After that, I became accustomed to it very quickly, and I can literally play it for 6 hours straight now, taking a 5-minute break here and there, and sense nothing other than the typical eyes needing to adjust to the light after looking out from the Virtual Boy, which usually happens anytime one leaves a dark place that one has been in for a while and enters a light one.

Absolutely no headaches or nausea or anything else that is purported about the Virtual Boy.

I got a headache the first time I played it, though I wasn’t completely healthy then. Now I don’t experience any issues, but I still use automatic pauses and take breaks just to be on the safe side.

Thank you, I’ ll buy a VB soon!

Never a head ache or any nausea, but I did burst an eye vessel beating Vertical Force once.

I played mine for the first time ever this evening and I must admit it felt very odd, but I don’t have a headache. To be honest, 3DS gives me more of a headache I suspect.

Hahaha! The 3d effect of 3ds sucks so hard, I barely can see something popping out of the screen!

Back when I first started playing Virtual Boy 15 or so years ago, it didn’t bother my eyes any more than any other gaming system. When I play now though, my eyes do start to bother me after 20 to 30 minutes, so I actually take the breaks it recommends.

Benjamin Steven sums it all up for me

Costas wrote:
Hahaha! The 3d effect of 3ds sucks so hard, I barely can see something popping out of the screen!

Apparently, you fail to realize that A) it’s harder to get something to “pop out” of a stereoscopic display than it is to make things seem far away, and that B) Nintendo (and its licensees) are intentionally focusing on making deep games, rather than the gimmicky, hackneyed “stuff flying at your face” junk Hollywood has always (ab)used 3-D for. (Sorry, I don’t have a source for “B”, but I know I read it somewhere… probably in one of the “Iwata Asks” interviews).

However, if you do realize both of those things, and are still not happy with your 3DS, I’ll be happy to take it off your hands for you. I’ll even pay for shipping 😉

RunnerPack wrote:
A) it’s harder to get something to “pop out” of a stereoscopic display than it is to make things seem far away, and that B) Nintendo (and its licensees) are intentionally focusing on making deep games, rather than the gimmicky, hackneyed “stuff flying at your face” junk Hollywood has always (ab)used 3-D for. (Sorry, I don’t have a source for “B”, but I know I read it somewhere… probably in one of the “Iwata Asks” interviews).

Spot on Amos, I have read the same somewhere, the only time i have had the full 3D stuff in my face effect is with iMax 3D, i had snow falling on the seat in front it felt that close, its to do with how much of your vision is taken up with the screen as to how ‘close’ the things appear. If more of your peripheral vision is taken with the screen then things will seem right in front of you, but thats not what N are going for, they know this and realise popping out just won’t really work with a screen that size, its about depth, and IMO it does it damn well.

edit: first few plays on my VB felt a bit tired in the eyes but now is all fine, its set up for my eyes (IPD & focus folks, IPD and focus) and i don’t have any problems, I do take breaks etc but can play for several hours (if I’m lucky and can get that much time to game)

I am in a quandary. Do you think I should buy a Virtual Boy or a new console?

It really depends on your goals. for gaming alone of course nothings going to beat a supported system. But the Virtual Boy is more than that it’s the peoples system it’s hacked to the point of creating your own software for it It’s gonna take a long time for that to happen to 3DS. So if you want a system that may be alittle behind the times but at the same time will provide you with free games of your own device, than you cannot beat the Virtual Boy. If you want games and lots of them but you don’t care about creating your own. Then you better buy a new supported system. That’s just my two cents.


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