Original Post

As we edge closer and closer to not needing donor carts anymore, I figured we will also need printable versions of the two inserts that came along with the games! πŸ™‚

So, here is the first of two:
The Precautions Booklet!

It’s not 100% an exact copy… (it was really hard), but that’s probably for the best. This way it can be distinguished from an original.

Feel free to us this for any new Repro’s or if you just need to finish/complete a box set! πŸ˜€

I’ll post the second insert here once I finish it!

(P.S. Don’t be a butt, mass produce these, and claim them to be originals πŸ™ )

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Here is the second booklet!
The Nintendo Power Subscription Booklet!

Again, it’s not a 100% exact copy… I changed the Nintendo power cover inside to the Virtual Boy one… because I can. πŸ˜›

Feel free to us this for any new Repro’s or if you just need to finish/complete a box set! πŸ˜€

(P.S. Don’t be a butt, mass produce these, and claim them to be originals πŸ™ )


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