4 Replies

Good read. Never seen that screen shot of DKC2 before either.

Protoman85 i think your right he should be a member.

It’s great to see a shout out to PVB in such an admiring fashion. It really is a great system. With my demo unit set up on the counter at my store, I get to show it off constantly. As long as they set the focus they love it….

VBmills schrieb:
Good read. Never seen that screen shot of DKC2 before either.

It’s not a real screenshot, just a fan-made mock-up. And one of the worst ever on top. 😉 http://www.dkvine.com/games/dkc2/dkc2vb/

Thanks for linking my VB review on the site 🙂
I plan to review some VB games later after the holidays too.


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