Original Post

2Weeks ago i buy a VB @ ebay.com for 41$ and import it to Germany. for 40$shipping cost and 6€ tax. ( http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250041874268 ).

Today the VB arrived. I take 6 new Batteries, turn on the VB an…. i think its broken, or?

Only the left of the 2 “Screens” work and on this screen i get Graphic errors. I only have on Game: Wario Land.

Can i do anything????? … 70€…. for nothing *cry*

8 Replies

It sounds like the display cables have come loose.
This link provides some more information about it.

😀 wonderfull. It really works. I cooked the screens @ 85°C in the oven…. and…. i can’t believe it…… IT WORKS!!!

Both Display know works 100% fine. 🙂 MANY MANY THX!

It’s always great to hear that another VB has been revived instead of being thrown away! 😀

Cool… it’s always nice to hear that it works for other people too 🙂 .


hmm, yesterday my VB get broken again. -_-

I open it, put the screen in the oven again….. but then i don’t use clear packing tape, i use ( i don’t know the name in English, in German it called “Heißkleber” 1:1 translated it called ) “Hot Glue” also i fixed the Cabel between the Mainboard and the Screens on the black plastic, so the Cabel cannot move if the VB is shaken.

@ DogP
Many thx for your Tutorial!!! I would like to thank you, do you have’n Paypal Account? then i can donate something. 🙂

Glad to help, MrX… no need to donate anything… I do this stuff because I enjoy it, and I’m not paying for webspace or anything. Thanks for the offer though 🙂 .


In English, there is hot glue. You have to apply it using a ‘gun’. Great stuff, smells bad though… lol

Hello everyone, I’ve never posted here before, in fact, I’m completely new. I purchased a Virtual Boy on ebay about two years ago; after moving last December, I pulled it out again, to discover that it was no longer functioning. I’ve been scouring the web, and many technical websites for a fix, that didn’t involve an unnofficial repair shop who ‘might’ be able to fix it (“Yeah…… I think I might be able to fix that… Gimme a couple weeks, parts labor…” Geez.)

Anywho, I really appreciated the information. For those who, in the future, try this fix out; I would like to note, that the first time I ‘cooked’ the part it didn’t take, but in fact seemed *worse*.

After the second time, a little more thorough, the system was back to original status, working like new. Although, I’ll also note that there is no substitute for the real deal; when it comes to the tool bit for opening it. I personally found that mine (Dremelled from a faithful Craftsman screwdriver) kept snapping on the screws.

Anyways, thanks everyone, for all the info. I am definitely going to be browsing more of the info here, I’m interested in some of the popular projects people have done. (A rom-drive-type setup? Sweet.)

Thanks to this site I’m back into a little-known classic.


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