I just want to let you know that I made some Virtual Boy beginners guide on video:
For most of you there will not be anything new in that video as you will even know more than me about the Virtual Boy, but still I had the feeling there were not many useful videos out there.
I really enjoy your videos. I had no idea that it was you until recently though lol. Your Flashboy review had me crackin’ up in the beginning. Looking forward to this video
Thanks. Don´t expect anything funny in that video, as in the beginners guides I concentrate more on the information and the video would be too long with a funny intro and ending. 😉
I enjoy the informational videos just as much. I’m still trying to convert my husband into a VB lover lol I need all the help I can get!
Roli,you did a great job whith this video!
I think It takes a lot of work to make this.
Klasse gemacht!
Cosmoliner schrieb:
Roli,you did a great job whith this video!
I think It takes a lot of work to make this.Klasse gemacht!
Thanks a lot! I just had enough of all those “The Virtual Boy ruins your eyes” videos on Youtube. 😉
VectrexRoli2 wrote:
I just had enough of all those “The Virtual Boy ruins your eyes” videos on Youtube. 😉
You said it! That continues to keep the system on the “most hated” lists. I think my husband gained some respect for the system after watching the video with me. The detailed explanation of how eye strain and other issues were caused really deflated the BS hype it got from various media. Thanks!
Very good video and thanks a lot for the shoutout!
I also really hate the simple “the Virtual Boy gives you headaches” argument people say even when they haven’t even played it.
Protoman85 schrieb:
Very good video and thanks a lot for the shoutout!I also really hate the simple “the Virtual Boy gives you headaches” argument people say even when they haven’t even played it.
I always wonder how many of those creators of “worst video game consoles lists”-videos actually came closer than 30km to a real Virtual Boy in their life. 😉
That video was really nicely made and informative. Your other videos are a riot, too. 🙂
At first I did get a headache as I was going in and out, in and out, taking my head out of the system when I wanted to see TV or talk to the Mrs, so my eyes were re-focusing over again so I decided just to stay in until I had finished playing, sometimes for hours at a time. Also if I needed to come out of the system for any reason I would close my eyes for a few seconds, this Fixed the headaches GREAT.
Great video vectrex.
Thanks for posting another well-made, informative video, Roli! It definitely has my “like” 😉
Suggestion: for your next “introduction” video, you could explain the system/peripheral to someone (Mrs. VectrexRoli, Postman Walter, Julia, whoever) instead of talking directly to the viewer/camera (in fact, you could even make it a POV, where you are the camera). It wouldn’t have to be a full-blown “funny sketch video”, but it might be a little more interesting (not that your other intros are boring, or anything).
Thanks for all your comments and feeback. Usually my viewers seem to “hate” Virtual Boy videos in general, as those videos don´t get many views which is a bit frustrating to put effort into something which nobody wants to watch in the end.
But on the other hand I still want to show what I like on my channel and I like the Virtual Boy a lot, even people seem to look more for stuff like “bleeding eyes videos”.
My beginners guide videos, which I did only for the Vectrex and Virtual Boy so far, I wanted to “keep clean” from any side stories, funny intros, etc. I wanted to focus only on pure facts & information even the videos do have a lower entertainment value then. There are mainly 2 practical reasons for that: The videos would get too long and it is also always hard to “book” Julia, the postman, etc., as this are 100% non-commercial projects and even some short skits often take 1/2 day to a full day to produce them as we work without any camera team here.
From time to time I do also commercial marketing and presentation videos and then everything is very different when it is possible to work with paid actors, etc. but as you know my Youtube channel is just a hobby.
And RunnerPack belive me, nobody wants to see a POV video where I explain the VirtualBoy to Mrs. VectrexRoli. I could not imagine that this would be a positive experience for the community as I guess she thinks I am totally nuts when I put that thing on the table…
I can proof that here:
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
a bit frustrating to put effort into something which nobody wants to watch in the end.
I sure know how you feel!
@VectrexRoli: Well, I didn’t mean that you should redo the VB video; your current one is more than adequate. I just meant if you do an introduction for any other “obscure” game system, you might want to spice it up a bit. Also, it might help others understand the information better if they can see someone as inexperienced as themselves learning to use it (whatever “it” is). I can imagine how much work it is to make a video, though (which is why my channel has been “video-free” since I signed up for YouTube :-P) Anyway, just keep making videos however you want to, and I’ll keep watching them 🙂
VectrexRoli2 wrote:
I can proof that here:
Lmfao! From 6m50s on, it’s like watching me and my husband (though he’s daydreaming about an iPhone or something)
I hadn’t stumbled across this video yet but now that I have, I’m in stitches.