Original Post

Hello everyone. I haven’t find any answer so I decided to open a new topic.
So, is there any Virtual Boy Capture Kit? I mean something that allows user to record and take screenshot of his gameplay while playing on his Virtual Boy system.

3 Replies

I think that’s what the Video Boy is for. Unforunately they’re quite rare. Otherwise I think someone is working on an attachment for your virtual boy that will require you to open up your system. So there’s no real easy way as far as I know.

The Video Boy (and the Dev Kit with TV output) was made for this… but yeah, they’re rare and expensive.

I built my own TV output using an FPGA, but it’s still currently a large board with a bunch of wires hanging out.

Here are a couple videos I posted of it several years ago:

Someone else also recently made one: http://furrtek.free.fr/?a=vbtvout , though it’s 2D only.

But no… there’s no “kit” to do it… it’s still pretty much a DIY kinda thing.


Apologies for reviving this thread but does anyone besides Furrtek offer this TV out service?

I sent my only VB to Furrtek and he ripped me off by taking my machine & never finishing the work/replying again.


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