Original Post

It’s a long time ago but I think I saw a screenshot of a movie where a VB could be seen. Does anyone know a film where a Virtual Boy can be seen? The titel and a screenshot would be great!
(I am not talking about commercials or tv shows!)

This is a great website but only computers and no video game consoles (like the VB) are listed:

3 Replies

Sorry man. All I know is that famous scene in Runaway Bride.

Have you guys seen this? http://www.planetvb.com/modules/misc/?h πŸ™‚

Yes! “Runaway Bride” was the film I was remembering. Thank you very much!

Not until now! πŸ˜‰
Your site gets better and better every day! Let’s see if I can find more “hidden” goodies. πŸ˜‰


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