Original Post

Made a Book (PDF) of the Virutal Boy. Used much from this site as reference. The book is free. Hope some can use it for help on their collection.
Virtual Boy: http://daddarulekonge.itch.io/the-virtualboy-encyclopedia-book
Other PDFs, NES, PSX, SMS, SNES, GC, etc.: http://daddarulekonge.itch.io/
Every PDF is free πŸ™‚ If this is seen as advertisment, I will take the post down.

11 Replies

Thank you for the compilation!

Not so much technical subjects, but there’s a lot of information about the console & games.

Fantastic compilation! Thank you for providing this. Probably going to print and bind a physical copy of it for my collection. πŸ™‚

That’s really interesting on how you did that! It’s really great to see how things can be done with a great community. Though getting back to the point, that’s awesome!

I’d love to read this, but site appears to be down, DaddaRuleKon πŸ™

I just gave it a quick look. Looks very professional. Good job.

I`m glad people like it. The site looks like it`s up now. I have made print versions of most of the books on lulu.com, though, the prices are very expensive, so I don`t know if I would do more through that site. The quality of their prints are very nice though.

If you make a revision then please note that dragon hopper and faceball have the same screenshot.
Also, you page numbering seems off in the beginning.

But globally a very nice book.

Thank you for pointing out errors in the book:) I am knee deep in a Genesis/MegaDrive book right now. I will get around at it after i`m done and post the edited version.

2nd edition is done:) Changed the picture and fixed the page numbers.
I made a lulu version if anyone feel the need to own this in paper form. I set the price as low as i could (I make 45cent or something). http://www.lulu.com/shop/daddarulekonge/the-virtualboy-encyclopedia-book/paperback/product-22615608.html

That’s very cool! It does look professional :). I’m waiting for the N64 one to download now…

Great, well done, thanks! πŸ™‚


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