Original Post

I read a thread awhile back talking about what the Virtual Boy’s slogan could be, and I thought it was a pretty neat idea to have a semi-official one approved by the community. The ones I have listed are ones that were suggested a long time ago, and I’ve put in a few others that Nintendo themselves (kind of) used.

11 Replies

How about “It’s not a bad console so stop beating up on it” or “Why do people who have never played it hate it?”
Sorry , just fed up with all the arbitrary VB hate.

“The original VR headset”

RCAstudioII wrote:
How about “It’s not a bad console so stop beating up on it” or “Why do people who have never played it hate it?”
Sorry , just fed up with all the arbitrary VB hate.

I hear you, man!

And you don’t have to be sorry, that’s nothing compared the the ‘Outburst’ I had a few years back on a thread that I hope stays dead…

I do think that the one option would be better phrased as:

“Once you go red and black, you never go back!”

Benjamin Stevens wrote:
I do think that the one option would be better phrased as:

“Once you go red and black, you never go back!”

I didn’t want to alter what the original user said, although I do agree.

To go along with being fed up about the hate it gets by random people, how about, “If you haven’t played one, shut up and try it” lol

That was more of a joke than a real submission though.

“Open your mind and plug in your face!”

“The Headache consoel for you”

Red Dead Redemption

Not taking credit for this quote/slogan that I found, I slightly changed it to fit.

“Virtual Boy: The system that Nintendo has never really denied its existence

“Virtual Boy: Eyestrain has never looked so good!”

Kidding, kidding…


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