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@commanderrafRegistered April 26, 2009Active 9 years, 7 months ago
2 Replies made

Lester Knight wrote:
is your gamebit worn at all? i’m wondering if you got lucky with the other screws and the worn bit just stopped gripping on the last one.

Nope. I could say it is as good as new, even I’ve used it two times to open my VB before.

Benjamin Stevens wrote:

…power drill…

That was the other option I had thought of; to use the thinnest drill I can find and use it to create a notch on the screwdriver head. But as I’ve said before, I am afraid that if I involve power tools on this, I could get catastrophic results that range from the misalignment of the components to complete and utter destruction of the device (… yeah, I’m THAT clumsy).


Thanks for your answers guys.

Lester: I shone a light on the hole and didn’t notice anything different from the stuck screws comparing them to the others. It doesn’t look worn out at all, or at least not more than the others.

DogP: The screw is slipping, both if I try to screw it or unscrew it. The bit is long enough to reach it -as well as the other one in a similar depth, the one near the earphone socket- and I’ve already tried pushing the screwdriver with one hand with all my force (or as much force a social scientist can have in his arms) while also turning the screwdriver. It still won’t do a thing.

Once again, thanks for your answers.
