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@gamewarriorsRegistered July 11, 2006Active 3 months, 1 week ago
131 Replies made

One more…. sorry fore a seperat post. I typing on My phone



Check this out. Great info on some unrelesed virtual boy games.

Wow this is a dream come true. Lets put Birdo in the game again and relese it as cart. I really want this as a cart version. Anyone how can put this on cart?

Look great and verry rare but on the labels its say “Final Rom” and if this is the rental game only on a dev cart or test cart it wouldent be that price. Ofcourse intresting piece fore us collectors but…… well to much fore a game that is nothing speciell in My opinion. But the cart itself looks nice 😀

When Will the cart be ready and when do we pay fore are carts?
Checking so all gets done right from My side 🙂

Thank alot

Sorry no doner card from me 🙁 sorry fore that.

Hello Dan. Put me on the list 🙂 i can take number 20 in list if that place is free :). If not , put me somewhere on the list.


PM sent 🙂 some intrest in repro games 😀

Well first i want to say thanks to all that reply on My messege :).

And well helping people that have disabled problems is a great fing to do. That is like a superhero Job :). Some work people put high up as topp rated works but in the the end all works needs.
Your job might sound Boring but oh boy…. You have one imported job.

My mom is in weel chair those days (hope she will Rise from it) so i know the good stuff you doing.

Thanks fore telling about your Job 🙂

Thanks alot 🙂

Is there anyone at planetvb that works with acting and work like this? What kind of work do u all working with? That is a intresting fact to know. 🙂

Well i found some more pictures from the same magazine. This time we all know the games but i belive some of those magazine scans are new 🙂

Two pictures are from the virtual boy display stand.

Here is the nother one, Virtual bomberman. Hope fore some new informations 🙂


Jugemu magazine

I found the picture at Google.

The artickel is from Jugemu Magazine from japan.
They seems to have been covering the virtual boy alot. I Will post the rest of the pictures. At least one have is already her.

It is verry intresting about the Westling games becaus there is no info at all and in this text it says the game had diffrent modes and so on. Hope it went complete 🙂

I have sent u a PM


Any one that know What this is?

Its so cool that prof that Birdo was in the game is in there. It would be so cool if they Will be created a version that included the two player option and the lost caracter 🙂

Oni can i PM you about the translatorns fing? It would be great to have some stuff translated :)…

It would be perfect if one o you can translate some stuff. Seems like My friend is of on this fing 🙁

Its hard to tell if its true.
Acclaim was the company behind the us release of inmouse. Well they never release it but… But if the info was Added so late as 2013 and no info is writhen in Any magazin or so… Well then it seems weird and wrong.

But acclaim had some virtual boy stuff going on fore sure :D.. But mayby not virtual bart vb 😛

I dont know the seller but i fink its sad he is selling his games. But lets FAce it. He has payd fore them and now he Wants to sell them.

I fink its ok but he should have more info about the items.

Even if they are repros they are rare.

I dont wish to have boxas with big letters staying repros on them. If its on the back of the Box i dont care. I dont want to see this aution hase the power to change design on future boxes.

Anyway dident a nother repro of gundam ended in a price of 300$ :-/.

Well i hope fore more repros 🙂 thanks fore the great work 😀