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@kevsterRegistered January 20, 2011Active 12 years, 7 months ago
3 Replies made

Hey, I’m new here…here’s my Virtual Boy serial #:


Bought it off of Craigslist here in Boise ID, USA

Hello everyone,

Is the Flashboy + still being produced? If so, I’d be interested in getting one. I love the VB and it would be awesome to be able to play some more games on it!

Are the ROMs available here on this site?

Thanks for any help.


Thanks for the responses! First off, my question wasn’t meant as a legality inquiry, so sorry if it came off that way. My comment about asking if this was an okay place to ask this was a bit confusing I suppose. I meant it as in “is this the right part of the forum for this question”. But thank you very much for the response as well as the link!

I am indeed a VERY big fan of the VB. The five games I own are Mario’s Tennis, Mario Clash, Teleroboxer, VB Wario Land, and Virtual League Baseball. My most wanted games right now (in order) are: 1. Vertical Force 2. Jack Bros 3. Galactic Pinball 4. Red Alarm and 5. 3D Tetris.

I also just saw a video on a Japan only release called Space Squash. If I ever come across an affordable copy of that I will pick it up for sure! Looked real good.

I just completed VB Wario Land for the first time last week. That game is super smooth. I’m planning on going back to it in a little while to get the other endings. My first time through I got the second worst ending…

Anyway, looking forward to having a place to chat with other Virtual Boy owners. The most underrated system ever in my opinion!