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@ridingheroRegistered February 19, 2010Active 1 year, 3 months ago
521 Replies made

realwws wrote:
just a quick reply,

the jack bros was from the same seller of the panic bombers.
it was the last thing he sold.
i payed 800 for it
oh btw i payed the amounts in euro’s not in dollars.

i will update soon when i have more time.

in my store at the moment

I don’t doubt the coolness or authenticity of your Panic Bomber protos. They are real and very nice.

As for the auction price, I remember the auctions and they were definitely not 800Euros, they ended more in the $400USD price range as converted from the Japanese YEN at the time that I recall.

I’m not trying to hinder your sales as I’m sure many of us would love to own them, but that the same majority of us that are interested now are the same people that were watching these same auctions you won and didn’t outbid you.

And for god’s sake don’t dump them before selling, that will surely lower your selling price.

One final word of advice, sell your two Panic Bomber protos as a pair. It will increase value as many people know you have two and no bidder would confidently place a super high bid knowing that you are lined up to sell another.

If you dump them to compare code, nobody will want them at all for a premium price. Better to take pictures of the differences instead of devaluing the physical carts.

Your stuff is valuable, just not as valuable as your asking price.

As it happens to be, a proto of a $50 game on a rare console that shows some but very little difference can fetch an easy $500 market value. At the same time, a proto that shows notable difference on a common console like famicom may barely fetch $100.
You having two of the same cart hurts the value a bit more, but I see no problem in the $400 price range that they originally sold for.

No offense, just my 2 cents as one of the few serious VB buyers.

realwws really did buy his two Panic Bomber protos off of Yahoo Auctions awhile back, and they were about $400 each. His 3rd proto, a Jack Bros with no eprom stickers or markings was never seen on auction by me.

No offense to realwws, but the price is way too high. I understand that you paid deputy service fees to bid + shipping custom fees, but that reason alone doesn’t increase the value of an item. The fact that you have 2 Panic bomber protos doesn’t exactly make the demand for this one any more intriguing, and there are surely doubts about the authenticity of your Jack Bros.

Facts rundown:

#1: realwws did buy his Panic Bomber carts for about $400 each

#2: The Panic bomber carts appear to be genuine.

#3: His Jack Bros prototype doesn’t have any stickers or writing on it, just flashed chips in an eprom cart

#4: A good handful of blank eprom carts were sold on Yahoo auctions during the same time era.

Facts needed by the community before realwws can make significant profit or break even after fees that he paid:

#1: Buy a VB to test out the games, and take photos of anything different from the Japanese retail release.

#2: I’d like to hear some input from some other veteran collectors confirming that they saw the mysterious Jack Bros auction, since anybody can flash blank chips for a dev cart.

Conclusion, are his carts real? The Panic bomber ones are, and I’d probably pay around the $400 each that he paid.
Is the Jack Bros real? with the current amount of doubt, I’d only be confident buying it at a price of a blank dev cart.

If I buy a car that is *valued* at $400 for a base price of $400 and then put and extra $400 into it for repairs and registration taxes it’s still just a $400 car, not an $800 car.

Here’s a cool VB flyer that shows a prototype console.


Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Hmmm… It makes sense that the first part is “Corporation,” but I’m definitely not seeing “竹中” next to “Engineering” on the adapter itself. Oh well, it should arrive to you shortly anyway.

Nice new adapter find, too! I’m sure that will be on the way to your house very soon, too. 😉

You have good eyes, the adapter arrived today and it says 明星エンジニアリング (Morning Star Engineering).
They’re located at Minowa, Taito-ku, Tokyo 1 -chome 21 – 4 fumimasa hall building 701

In case you’re living in Tokyo and need a job, they’re right next to the train station and currently have an open position for a part time job. Just like most locations in Japan, there’s also a convenient 7-11 located roughly 3 blocks away. 😀

I’ll post up some scans of the Adapter and box shortly.


Yet another AC discovery!

I present to you the Hori HA-7. This adapter seems rather common, there are 5 on Yahoo Auctions right now (2 of which are boxed). It gives me the warm fuzzies seeing バーチャルボーイ on the box! 😀

Even better, there’s a disclaimer right on the box stating that the Virtual Boy adapter tap is required!


Benjamin Stevens wrote:

VirtualJockey wrote:

Can anyone here make out the blurry Kanji from the picture? It seems to be manufactured by (??)Engineering.

You’re definitely right about エンジニアリング, but I can’t make out the rest either.

Guess we’ll probably have to wait until you can make higher resolution pictures.

Well, been doing a little research and I believe I found our Company.

株式会社 竹中エンジニアリング (Takenaka Engineering Corporation)

They seem to mostly manufacture IR & Laser Motion sensors, fire sensors. They also seem to sell Stuffed animals with implemented motion sensing technology (such as a toy dog that barks when you walk by it), loud speakers as well as AC Adapters.

The company was founded in 1959, established in 1972 and is still in operation today in Kyoto, Japan. As it seems that the Japanese simply can’t resist making silly abbreviations for everything, Takenaka Engineering Co Ltd currently markets their products under the name TAKEX.

If one were take a quick glance at their AC adapters for sale, you’ll find little surprise in one possibility of why this Multi VB adapter is so rare:

Yep, your eyes are not deceiving you. They actually charge 3,600Yen for a generic 12v 500mA adapter. That’s the equivalent of nearly $46US! Mind you, the Performance adapter was $14.99 MSRP.

Well, that’s all I was able to dig up for now. We’ll have to wait until the box arrives to see if there’s any markings or trademarks that insinuate that a different company was the distributor.

^ The above outputs are all DC.

For reference here are the ratings for each VB adapter:

Official US AC adapter (Model SNS-002) output: 10v 850 mA
Official JPN AC adapter (Model HVC-002) output: 10v 850 mA
Multi AC Adapter (Model MS-10100) output: 10v 1A
Performance AC Adapter (Model P-037) output: 9v 500mA

The standard 6x AA battery pack is 9v, so the Performance AC best matches the VB. However, compared to all of the adapters including the official ones, you can see that the Multi AC has the best mA rating.

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 2 months ago by VirtualJockey.
  • This reply was modified 12 years, 2 months ago by VirtualJockey.
  • This reply was modified 12 years, 2 months ago by VirtualJockey.

Benjamin Stevens wrote:

VirtualJockey wrote:

This may sound nerdy, but I’m pretty excited about this coming in the mail.

There is good reason to be excited about this. Not only did you find a hitherto largely unknown, genuine Virtual Boy accessory, but it also seems to be in like new condition! 🙂

Can anyone here make out the blurry Kanji from the picture? It seems to be manufactured by (??)Engineering.
For those that can’t read Japanese and/or aren’t used to console terms, the AC adapter is for SF (Super Famicom), FC (Famicom), and VB (Virtual Boy).
Below that it lists その他 or “also for/others/etc”: PC (PC Engine), MD1 (Original MegaDrive), and GG (Game Gear). The large Japanese text says Multi AC Adapter, same as the large English text.

Guess it’s time to pass the *rarest VB accessory* Crown from the TravelMaster case to this strange Korean-made AC Adapter.

GEZ wrote:
So how does someone bid on Japanese Yahoo auctions?
Awesome find!

You have to use a deputy service such as Celga, MailOrderJapan, Rinkya, etc.

Ermm…I mean…There’s no way to bid, nothing to see here! Move on folks! 😉

bigmak wrote:

Oh a Japanese yahoo auction..no bids for 67 dollar US..over in 3 days…what’s that I see in the background..a loose virtual bowling ??


Holy moly!

Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Now that you mention it, I think I do remember seeing that item as I was scanning through the current Ebay Virtual Boy market, and I think I remember the seller including a note somewhere in the description that it would work with a Virtual Boy, am I right?

I did not notice “VB” on the box itself, however.

The title and description just said “MULTI AC Adaptor Boxed For Super Famicom, Famicom, Virtual Boy, etc “.

This may sound nerdy, but I’m pretty excited about this coming in the mail.

Benjamin Stevens wrote:
That is very cool. With “VB” on the box, I’d say that qualifies as a genuine Virtual Boy accessory. 🙂

Yeah, this puppy was listed on eBay a few days ago. I saw it browsing on my 3DS and couldn’t make out the words “VB” on the box and wrote it off as a useless generic adapter.

I was checking eBay today and decided to look at the pics up close on my PC and it hit me like a bullet train. I’m very lucky to have bought it after it being available for multiple days on the market since I first saw it on a mobile device (in which the letters VB were ineligible to me.)

Just nice to know that even in 2012 new VB stuff may surface. I’ll post high res scans of the box as soon as it arrives.

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:
I do know of the existence of a Metroid GBA SP but I was just making sure it was the same thing I knew of and not some even more super-rare sweepstakes item or something

Well, the 3 Birds edition was pretty much a sweepstakes (not the one I own).

I found a thread about the birds version. Guess the first 80 people that completed the time attack mode got the 3-Birds unit?


One and the same! 🙂
The console really is an odd duck, was happy to get the one I got. Thanks for the comment on the figure, I was on vacation in Japan and bought it at some local shop in 2004.
Yeah so it’s rare “now”, but what isn’t?

Here’s a pic & link about the uber rare version with the Metroid birds:


  • This reply was modified 12 years, 3 months ago by VirtualJockey.

bigmak wrote:
I was the one that bought that case last night..I didn’t have time to post, but thank you. I had to get up at 2 am, and didn’t have time to go back to the site. Thank you again.


No stress brother, just glad a PVB member got it. The case pictured is a Travelmaster, so demand that you get the case pictured in the auction. Glad it was a PVB member that got it as I intentioned. 🙂

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 3 months ago by VirtualJockey.

VirtualJockey wrote:

Just a heads up, the case pictured in this auction is a TravelMaster (you can tell from the upper foam). His auction says “quantity 2”. I wonder if they are both TM cases? Either way, $150 shipped with a console is a real steal. 🙂

No comments, but the first one sold pretty quick after my post.
You’re welcome. I could have bought them myself due to value, but wanted to return the offer to the community first.

I have experience with the cases, and nobody ever notices. If you’re gonna’ be ungrateful, I may give the thanks to the seller myself..


Just a heads up, the case pictured in this auction is a TravelMaster (you can tell from the upper foam). His auction says “quantity 2”. I wonder if they are both TM cases? Either way, $150 shipped with a console is a real steal. 🙂

L___E___T wrote:
Yes – there’s also a moral issue there, it would be a dirty game.

Lol. Unless the entire proto underground bought crap from Acclaim’s bankruptcy auction, the whole proto scene is dirty.
I say dirty is tossing great protos away in a drawer with no plans of release. No respect for the fans there, and the action of locking up a title and throwing away the key is more dirty in my mind than a “Robin Hood” black market release.

Option #1:
No release EVER

Option #2:
Black Market


PM me if you want a case, no playing games. You know what I have.