The new, reworked FlashBoy box prints for batch 6 have arrived from the new manufacturer, and I must say they looks fantastic! π By far the best quality boxes yet (and the last revision already were very nice). Pics attached. I will build the first boxes this evening, and once I received more PCBs and cart stickers, the FlashBoys will be sent to those who pre-ordered.
Aww… you’re not instructing them to eat the instruction and precaution booklets before operating any more? In 10 years, there’s gonna be rumors about how a German guy mistranslated the read instruction booklet precaution, and the “misprint” boxes are gonna be highly sought after π .
Wow they look great….I like the VB pixel Logo very much….
did you design it ?
Wow I want to buy another just for the artwork!!! Jolly good show old man! π
d’oh, i had to push back building the boxes to the next weekend.
the vb artwork was made by a japanese guy whose name i can’t remember right now. he made a lot of those icons, which you can find all over the web now.
hm, i could get more boxes made, if you people want replacements for your older flashboy boxes?
Awesome that looks great. When should the people on the pre-order list expect an email and payment info?
on the weekend or earlier, but i will only have a handful of units completely finished, because i still need more pcbs and cart stickers for the others.
KR155E wrote:
hm, i could get more boxes made, if you people want replacements for your older flashboy boxes?
KR155E I would totally pay for an updated box!!! How would you want to do that? What would it cost? π
Wow, great boxes KR155E! π
I’d possibly be interested in some, they look so much better than the ones I have now.
…Whats that white cutout below the actual cart box on the sheet?
…And I also miss the eating of my instruction & precaution booklets. π
I currently have 40 box prints, so I can send you guys some for a few bucks a piece. Shipping will be the more expensive part, costing 6 EUR.
The white thing is a cart holder, a replacement for that bulky official one. The thought was to glue it to the inside of the box and put the cart in it, this way I will only need loose carts for future flashboys (= a bit cheaper). I have not build a box yet, though, so I am not sure if this really works. I will post pics of a built box soon.
About the warning… I just don’t want to get sued by people who don’t get the joke. π
Here’s photos of a finished box. The size is exactly the same as a retail game box, and the cart sleeve works nicely. π
Man those boxes for the flashboy look awesome, i like the inside part that holds the cartridge as well! good work and the artwork all over the box really gives it that virtual boy feel!
They look exactly like a box for a virtual boy game that you would see back in the day in the store! π
top notch job, although i will stick with my old one as i ate the instructions and now feel a connection to the box.
KR155E wrote:
I currently have 40 box prints, so I can send you guys some for a few bucks a piece. Shipping will be the more expensive part, costing 6 EUR.
Send me a pair of the new boxes. You have my email address for the PP request.
p.s. My purchase request should be take as my saying Fine work and excellent outcome!
Everyboy who wants a new box as a replacemant for the old one: I am trading a fully assembled box for two of your spare carts (loose, but with the dust cover). As a little bonus, I’ll also include a Quick Reference Card, which older FlashBoys did not come with. PM me, if anyone’s interested. π
Those boxes indeed look sweet…
Curious about the “old” ones though, any images available of those? And can I still get an “old” box?
This post contains the only image of the older boxes I could find so quickly:
There should be more somewhere on the forum.
The old ones are not available anymore.
Must be me or does the old box looks exactly the same as the new one?