Original Post

Hi everybody !

In addition to my question about the volume VB (see my topic : http://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=6425&forum=1) , I have a question :

It’s normal that the two screens don’t have exactly the same brightness ?
It’s barely noticeable , but I feel that the left screen of the Virtual Boy is slightly ( very slightly ) darker ? ( Red’s shade appears darker) .

Is it normal ? My Virtual Boy is like new and I opened it , and ribbons are not peeled off ( i haven’t display problem )

3 Replies

Hi Bidule17.

I don’t know about anyone else’s, but my VB screens do have a slight discrepancy in brightness. I never notice it though whilst playing.

Thank you for your reply, I thought it was a problem because my old Virtual Boy had the same difference, maybe it’s normal to accentuate the 3D effect!

(Since you replied but I do not have answers on my other topic, can you tell me if you can cut the volume of the VB?)

There is a volume wheel on the bottom. Just spin it until the volume turns off.



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