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egm12This scan shows you: I got a couple of Electronic Gaming Monthly yesterday and wow! These are some blocks of a Magazine, german magazines with their tiny 100 pages look really poor compared to that. 😉

Of course, there’s a lot of interesting stuff in those magazines so, besides my Waterworld review (german only yet), there are several new advertisements up today like the VL Baseball ad, the Virtual Boy Competition ad and the Blockbuster ad plus two new artticle scan of EGM 12/95 and Retrogames Vol.22 (Ferry’s article!).

Look forward for another phat update, because as soon as my scanner works again, I’ll scan more EGM articles, add a lot of new beta screenshots and a new section to the advertising section, write the Shoshinkai report and much more… Last but not least more articles (from the german Man!ac magazine), a lot of scans and more will go online, when Aetzn does his update.

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