Original Post

Hi everyone. Im new here and just wanted to stopby to let you know im developing a game based on the movie Equilibrium(2002) it has been made into games as mods of Half Life and Max payne 2 and now Im bringing it to the Virtual Boy.

4 Replies

Wow… That’d be tight! Great movie! better then The Matrix πŸ˜‰

Uff! More info please πŸ˜€ How far in development are you? Anything to show yet? Sounds cool.

If you think you’re gonna get HL or MP2-like content on a 32bit 20MHz CPU with 4 colours, then you’ve got to be joking… πŸ˜‰

…What engine are you using?

Uff! More info please How far in development are you? Anything to show yet? Sounds cool.

Were working on the main title screen right now. Once I get that done Ill be sure to get you some screenshots.


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