Original Post

That’s how funny the April-fools joke was, mirroring the site making it a headache to use it…

Shutting the page-style off in the browser makes it appear right – but it’s like browsing in the 90’s with Mosaic or something. Couldn’t find any mirroring-web-page tools out there but there ought to be some somewhere.

I thought I should catch up on some reading but I guess I’ll wait until April 2nd… 🙁

9 Replies

Tyvärr, e5frog! I hope others have a bit more humor, though. 😉

(P.S.: You can use http://rotateme.org/?u=www.planetvb.com&r=m to mirror the site a second time.)

Guess I’ll have to wait until tomoorow to read the site again.

KR155E wrote:
Tyvärr, e5frog! I hope others have a bit more humor, though. 😉

(P.S.: You can use http://rotateme.org/?u=www.planetvb.com&r=m to mirror the site a second time.)

Heh… sure, I read this post after catching up on the rest of the posts and news 😛 .


Lol, funny April’s fool

Hehe, good one, although as I open this site in opera I didn’t figure it until I tried in murkysoft explorer, nice.

Ha, ha! Funny! 😀
I feel like Leonardo Da Vinci!!! (he used to write this way)

OK, back to normal… 😀

A screenshot for the record:

As I wrote to you yesterday, Chris:

Really funny. Thanks for this joke. 🙂

I didn’t seen anything like this before.
Didn’t knew, this is possible.
Well done!

If I am not mistaken on april 1 2009 krisse made a post and said he had been working on a game for like a year and he was releasing it for us
If I am not wrong it was castlevania or metroid
Turned out the so called game was just an image in vb format


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