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I have been playing this game a LOT lately. I get to the final level (password: HYDE) which will either take you to ending A or ending B. I have beaten that level FAST, but no matter how fast I go, I can never get ending A. Has anybody done it?!? Is there something special you have to do?!

18 Replies

I have never gotten Ending A myself, but to quote Brian Hodges’ FAQ on the game…

[…] to get Ending A, you must start at RoPE
and finish Hyde without dying. You don’t have to stay on the top path, you
just have to reach (and beat) Hyde without dying.

“ROPE” is the first level, “HYDE” the top right one.

Wow! I couldn’t find any information on it, thanks! So, you have to go from “ROPE” all the way to “HYDE”without dying. Then beat HYDE without dying, and then you will get ending A?

X. Game Review

This is a poor game, I wouldn’t even consider it a real first person shooter.
Copies of this game are rare and expensive. Don’t feel bad if you never get a
chance to play this game, you aren’t missing anything.

Ouch! I just read the full review. No love for this game! I have a good time playing it, I think it’s one of the better virtual boy titles.

And to answer my previous question, yes you have to start from the beginning and get to “hyde”, then beat hyde without dying to get ending A.

I myself have never been able to get ending A. I do believe, however, that PVB User: DogP wrote on here that he was able to get that best ending. He got the best ending or really high scores in a lot of Virtual Boy games.

I, too, really enjoy Mansion of Insmouse, and I am still planning to release my “All Hallows’ Eve” edition, hopefully this year.

I have, twice. The first time was in an emulator, without cheats or saved states. At that point, I had been playing it for about two years, so it really depends on luck. The second time was on real hardware with a FlashBoy.

I usually get ending A everytime I play this game. All you have to do is beat each level before the panic music kicks in and you can’t die once. Do this and you will see “ending A”.

vuefinder83 wrote:
I usually get ending A everytime I play this game.

Reel Big Fish wrote:

vuefinder83 wrote:
I usually get ending A everytime I play this game.

Lol… Yeah, I guess I did sound a little snoody there.

Not my intentions…

vuefinder83 wrote:

Reel Big Fish wrote:

vuefinder83 wrote:
I usually get ending A everytime I play this game.

Lol… Yeah, I guess I did sound a little snoody there.

Not my intentions…

Hahah, and I was just joking too 😀 That’s cool! Now that I know how to get that ending, I’m going to try for it

Benjamin Stevens wrote:
I, too, really enjoy Mansion of Insmouse, and I am still planning to release my “All Hallows’ Eve” edition, hopefully this year.

Wow that’s awesome! Is it a Rom hack you are working on then? I’m excited to see it when it’s done

Yes, it’ll be a ROM hack with 45 new levels, each level map looking like something related to Halloween or All Hallows’ Eve. I’ll be using HorvatM’s InsmEdit 1.2 program to create it.

That will be really cool 😀 It sounds like the perfect twist to a virtual boy horror game!

How ya making out over there? Have you achieved?

I’ve gotten it before. I thought it was a pain to get though. There’s a bit of luck involved due to the random placement of the items.

Camera wrote:
I’ve gotten it before. I thought it was a pain to get though. There’s a bit of luck involved due to the random placement of the items.

Yeah, that’s the one thing about Mansion of Insmouse that frustrates me. It seems that the random placement of items can sometimes make it literally impossible to get the target time on a certain level.

I beat it for the first time yesterday. Got ending C. My first few levels – I didn’t like the game, but by the time I was done I really liked it. It would be awesome to see the Halloween mod…

What do the different endings mean? The character turned into a monster in mine…

It wouldn’t have killed them to add a few screens of text to give context to the story of the game.

I realized toward the end the monsters start looking more oceanic.. Then I read how in one of his books, the people in Insmouse turn into ocean dwelling creatures…

Thats really interesting, about the book and ocean dwelling creatures. I agree, as time goes on, the monsters do look a little more oceanic.

I’m not really sure what the endings mean. I just barely beat the game with ending B right now, and there were a bunch of eyes that showed up in the dark. The main character pulls out a gun, and starts shooting at some of the eyes. Some of them disappear. Then, he tries to shoot again, and fires a blank. He has run out of ammo. Some of the eyes begin to reappear, and then you know that he’s toast.

My guess is that the Endings B,C, and D suggest that you didn’t get the “true ending”. It’s almost as if the endings are bad endings. I still haven’t gotten ending A. It seems almost impossible to achieve. I will keep playing it until I get it though.


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