I just came across a copy of Jack Bros. in the original box w/manual,cart sleeve and a couple of inserts.I checked Ebay and there is only the Jap version being sold,mine is the US version.Any idea approx. what it is worth?The box is in “OK” condition,a little crushed.
Tanuki wrote:
I just came across a copy of Jack Bros. in the original box w/manual,cart sleeve and a couple of inserts.I checked Ebay and there is only the Jap version being sold,mine is the US version.Any idea approx. what it is worth?The box is in “OK” condition,a little crushed.
Where did you find this nice item? O_o Also: How much did you pay? (If you don’t mind me asking).
I got it due to a mix up on Amazon.com.I ordered Wario Land and the seller misplaced the cart so offered me Jack Bros. or Bomber Panic as a replacement…I took Jack Bros. and he also sent me the Box/manual for Wario Land.He later found Wario Land and sent me that as well.So I got both games w/boxes and manuals for about $28.00 total shipped.
Tanuki wrote:
I got it due to a mix up on Amazon.com.I ordered Wario Land and the seller misplaced the cart so offered me Jack Bros. or Bomber Panic as a replacement…I took Jack Bros. and he also sent me the Box/manual for Wario Land.He later found Wario Land and sent me that as well.So I got both games w/boxes and manuals for about $28.00 total shipped.
I found it in Shinjuku for 2000 yen 😀 It was a bit bleached out from the sun tho. Also, I found Insmouse in Oosaka for 500 yen, supposedlz because manz of the game boxes were damaged, not mine tho 😉
That’s the Japanese version, which is worth less than the US version, but I wouldn’t say that’s a bad price (although I haven’t been watching prices lately). It’s pretty common to find the JP version complete with the box though… US games seem to be harder to find complete.