Original Post

Hello people! I just downloaded the latest varsion of Reality Boy, and sadly realized that it is affected by a very strange bug.
It looks like if I hold down the left direction on the d pad. This happens with wario land, even using another version of Reality Boy.
Do you have any idea about why the emu behaves like this? I remeber using it correctly in the past.
Many many thanks in advance. πŸ˜‰


8 Replies

Maybe your keyboard is broken? Works fine for me.

Don’t think so, the emu acts the same even without any keyboard plugged in.

It looks like if I hold down the left direction on the d pad.

What does that look like? Is there a picture of your hand pressing left on the d pad? That’s odd… never seen that before.

This happens with wario land, even using another version of Reality Boy.

Does your hand appear in other games too? How about using Red Dragon?

Do you have any idea about why the emu behaves like this?

Does it behave the same way on the real VB? It seems weird that game developers would know exactly what your hand looks like… unless there’s a camera pointing at the left d pad.

Heh, sorry… I’m just messing with you… I’ve tried reading your post several times and I don’t get what’s happening… I just booted up WL in RB and left works just fine, and holding the button works just fine. Did you forget to finish the sentence?


djjack wrote:
Hello people! I just downloaded the latest varsion of Reality Boy, and sadly realized that it is affected by a very strange bug.
It looks like if I hold down the left direction on the d pad. This happens with wario land, even using another version of Reality Boy.
Do you have any idea about why the emu behaves like this? I remeber using it correctly in the past.
Many many thanks in advance. πŸ˜‰


Come again?

I think he means… That… Well that is to say…. Hmmm Uh… no. Ok I got it he’s saying theres a bug that appears when he pushes the D pad. Now I’m thinking it would have to be an ant. What other kinda of bug could fit it’s way into a VB? Ah a tick could, or an aphid but why only show up when the D pad was pushed? Must be a coincidence. Must be. Now it would make more sense if it were a programming “glitch” rather than an insect crawling around.

Ok enough of this… sorry I had to play around I got that old “Get Smart” tv show in my head couldn’t resist. Happy Holidays everyone!!!

wow xD

What I understand is that the bug makes that the “left” direction seems as if it was pressed even though nobody is pressing the button. i.e.: Wario always moves to the left without pressing any button… But anyway, written expression is a must in forums πŸ˜›

Ah… like the key is being held down, except no key is being pressed. I read it at least 10 times and I was sure he forgot half of the sentence :p . It definitely doesn’t happen on my RB… gotta be something with your computer or key configuration.



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