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As you know, we don’t have a link cable, or a suitable connector available for the VB. There’s several ways to make a cable that works, but in the end, it’s mostly ugly hacks for development/prototyping. I’ve been trying to come up with a way to make a quality cable that would just plug in… but so far have been unsuccessful.

So… it got me thinking… how about just making a proper cable? I contacted a custom part manufacturer (who I’ve used parts from in the past), and they said they could do it, but of course wouldn’t be “cheap”. I sort of based my design thoughts on the SNES A/V connector, which includes a plastic shell with crimp pins. So, I found some crimp pins which should work, but I didn’t have any way to make a 3D model of the plastic shell.

Well, of course I asked Hedgetrimmer (our resident 3D modeling expert), and he created a GREAT model of a plastic shell to house the pins. With that, I was able to verify with the MFG that it could be made, as well as get an estimate for price.

So, now here’s the question. They were right… it’s not cheap. A complete link cable would cost about $40, since the quantity would be so low. At this price, how many would be interested (and how many)? Would anyone want just the connector/pins?

There’d probably only be about 50 cables made, and this would probably be the only run, since I’m assuming the demand would be low. I don’t mind investing the money (and probably losing quite a bit on this project), since I think it’s a very worthwhile project… but, if I’m the only one that has any interest in it, there’s no point in even considering it further.

But, IMO this seems like a good time to pursue this, since homebrew is continually advancing, and I think linked homebrew has been held down by lack of link cable. Also, I assume some will be buying the new Flashboy, even though they already have an old Flashboy… so with two flash carts, why not have a cable to link the systems?

Of course, if there’s an unanticipated large interest in this, the price would come down… but we’re a pretty small community, and the homebrew crowd is really the only market for this.


381 Replies

Now that DogP is back..I’m just wondering if this project is still on ?


I was always interested in the Link Cable and would of cause totally buy one. I would even add Multiplayer support to my next game (what ever that’s going to be). I could also add Muliplayer support to GameHero… even though it does not make allot of sense.

I was also thinking about using the Link Cable and something like an Arduino for other cool projects, like additional hardware for the VB or Internet support.

Long story short, give my one of these cables and I gonna build something cool with it.

I think most of us don’t have two Virtual Boys, two FlashBoys, and another VB freak to play against, so I think we should have a way of connecting the VB to the Internet.

For example, you’d have a link cable that you’d connect to a serial (cheaper and easier to use IMO) or USB port on your computer, and you’d run a program that would show you VB Internet games in progress and serve as a proxy; we’d design a protocol for VB-computer communications. And if play your VB on the same desk where your computer is (as I do), you could chat to other players by touch-typing on the computer keyboard and having the keystrokes show up on the VB.

Yes, that’s a complex project but I think the end result would be worth the effort. And everyone who’s written a VB game should try to add multiplayer to their games, so we have an instant selection of multiplayer games.

In addition to these great ideas, a VB internet linkup could also be used to (automatically) sync highscores with PVB, or for showing which user is currently playing which game. 🙂

For example, you’d have a link cable that you’d connect to a serial (cheaper and easier to use IMO) or USB port on your computer, and you’d run a program that would show you VB Internet games in progress and serve as a proxy; we’d design a protocol for VB-computer communications. And if play your VB on the same desk where your computer is (as I do), you could chat to other players by touch-typing on the computer keyboard and having the keystrokes show up on the VB.

I was thinking about stuff like that as well. My notebook does not have a serial port anymore, but I know that there are adapters for USB, so a serial port would be ok. On top of that, it would make it possible to communicate with an sensor node (like Arduino). I do have some experience in programming micro controllers, so I could use the the port to add all kinds of other sensor and actuators. Would also be a great reason for me to buy a solider iron…

The project is still on… but I’m running into problems actually getting it manufactured. The first place that said they could do it basically took the money and ran, and other places are saying they can’t do the complex connector housing part, so I’m hoping to simplify it a little bit.

But yeah, the plan is to make a link cable housing which can be used for the standard VB to VB link cable, and also to hold a small PCB for a VB<->USB adapter. And if you want it for custom projects, chop the link cable in half and make two. 🙂

Of course this requires software on both the VB and PC side, so don’t expect to be able to plug Galactic Pinball into your PC with this cable and upload your high scores. 😉


This is all awesome! Maybe, we could get the reality boy team interested and then they would add support for our vb gaming network to the emu! That way vb owners could vs. non vb owners and vice versa!

Hate to break it to you, In3D, but there never really was a “Reality Boy Team”. The last person to work on it at all was DogP (he added the current networking support) and that was upwards of a year (or two?) ago…

AFAIK, the only VB emulator in active development is the 9.x branch of Mednafen, and (again, AFAIK) it doesn’t even have the current networking support (although it would probably not be too hard to add).

That being said, there’s really no reason the feature can’t be added to any of the existing emulators. All of them but ViBE (?) are open-source, after all.

I don’t remember if I’ve already replied to this thread or not… if there’s still a link cable up for grabs, I’d be in.

If not, oh well, I should visit more often, heh. 🙂

I want a link cable that links to the PC and connects with people over the Internet whom are also connected the same way because I do not know a single other person in my area with a VB.

Someone been asking about link cables so thought I’d bump the post back into the list.
Quite alot has been done, just not quite finished. There have been some manufacturing issues, not entirely sure what the current status is with it.

I printed this today. It’s one half of Hedgetrimmers link plug design.


It definitely looks nice and like a real VB item.

God Damn! It look great 😛

Awesome! Looks great so far!

How durable is the plastic?

Yes, seems OK.

Two identical halves fit together to make the complete plug.

However, the design needs a few tweaks, as the holes for the prongs are a little too small and the plug end is too large to fit the VB’s link port.

Awesome, I’d be interested in them definitely.

Great work in the VB community.


Put me down for one. What will be the contact material? In that price range gold-plated wouldn’t be too much to ask (nor would a few microns of gold be very expensive)…

I do have two VB’s, bet I could easily find a second player; never had kids, but my nephew is addicted to games.

Just wanted to bump this thread… we’re still trying to make this happen. I think the new simpler design should be more easily manufacturable… I guess we went a bit overboard with the initial design.

And I’ve just about got a PCB designed to go inside the housing, for the USB link… I’ll probably get that board manufactured as soon as it’s ready, so I can test that design.


Thanks for the update! This is a seriously neat project. I’m excited to see some homebrew making use of it!


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