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As you know, we don’t have a link cable, or a suitable connector available for the VB. There’s several ways to make a cable that works, but in the end, it’s mostly ugly hacks for development/prototyping. I’ve been trying to come up with a way to make a quality cable that would just plug in… but so far have been unsuccessful.

So… it got me thinking… how about just making a proper cable? I contacted a custom part manufacturer (who I’ve used parts from in the past), and they said they could do it, but of course wouldn’t be “cheap”. I sort of based my design thoughts on the SNES A/V connector, which includes a plastic shell with crimp pins. So, I found some crimp pins which should work, but I didn’t have any way to make a 3D model of the plastic shell.

Well, of course I asked Hedgetrimmer (our resident 3D modeling expert), and he created a GREAT model of a plastic shell to house the pins. With that, I was able to verify with the MFG that it could be made, as well as get an estimate for price.

So, now here’s the question. They were right… it’s not cheap. A complete link cable would cost about $40, since the quantity would be so low. At this price, how many would be interested (and how many)? Would anyone want just the connector/pins?

There’d probably only be about 50 cables made, and this would probably be the only run, since I’m assuming the demand would be low. I don’t mind investing the money (and probably losing quite a bit on this project), since I think it’s a very worthwhile project… but, if I’m the only one that has any interest in it, there’s no point in even considering it further.

But, IMO this seems like a good time to pursue this, since homebrew is continually advancing, and I think linked homebrew has been held down by lack of link cable. Also, I assume some will be buying the new Flashboy, even though they already have an old Flashboy… so with two flash carts, why not have a cable to link the systems?

Of course, if there’s an unanticipated large interest in this, the price would come down… but we’re a pretty small community, and the homebrew crowd is really the only market for this.


381 Replies

hawk1010 wrote:
So excited for this. Let us know when we can order them!

Same here! With 2 working systems this would be perfect for the collection.

Very interested in both cable types. Will there be an order form for these when they’re for sale?

I would definitely order two. One for regular use and one for when the Queen comes over.

Well, you know that and as a backup copy – if one got worn out I’d be outta luck and I plan to play this in two player for years to come!

After years of lurking I decided to finally sign up, I would definitely be interested in purchasing both cables in black. I assume they are still in progress.

I just found this site, and I’m glad to see that I’m not alone in my appreciation for the VB. I’ve owned my system for 20 years, and I’ve always been disappointed that if was such a “flop” commercially. It’s great to find this community. That said, I am definitely interested in a link cable and games that support 2 VBs – I’ve been waiting 2 decades for that possibility…

I am “in”,for the cable

Are you selling the link cable? Because I would like to buy it.

in too!

None for sale yet, though the project is definitely not forgotten.


Bump. Let’s bring this back to page 1.

Any news are welcome, even if it’s just a keep-alive.



Yep, the project is definitely still alive. The link shell needs just a couple minor tweaks, but I’m trying to get the redesigned USB link up and running. Just been short on VB time lately.


I’m so in when this is available. I guess I’d have to buy a second flashboy then as well =P

Count me in for 2 cables, thanks!


Count me in for a link cable.

I will get one as soon as it would be available! Count me for one cable!

Has there been any update on the likelihood of link cables becoming available? I’m very eager to order a couple soon as I can!

I might be interested, if it’s still in the works. 🙂

What games would work with the cable?

I’d also be interested in one once it finds release 🙂

A good question from PerfectlyNoah on what games would see the ability to use it, I think the simple answer is none of the retail games, but it would open a whole new world for the Homebrew chaps.

Do we know if any of the retail games might have supported the link cable, obviously none make the option obvious but perhaps there’s some unused code floating about in the games?

Mario’s Tennis seems like an ideal candidate to have a link option buried in it’s code…

I think if Nintendo had pushed a link cable at launch with a game like Mario’s Tennis it may have been a bit more popular once people realised they could play with friends.

We can all dream can’t we 🙂

Tennis’s code has been looked thru, and no code has been found.

3-d battle snake and hyper fighting both support 2-player atm.

It’s the chicken and the egg 🙂 which comes first ?..a bunch of games that support it ? or the cable ?

Well, we have 2 games..now the want is out there 🙂


Didn’t they plan to release Waterworld with multiplayer support but dropped it? It has that 9-person pseudo multiplayer option but I thought I read there was originally a planned link option….or I’m totally wrong :-p


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