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Hey hey, been using this site for years(love it btw), could only just now post due to some website issues or email issues on my end. But better late than never! Any old guys like me who got their VB back in 95-96? Toys r us? KB toys? Electronics Boutique? Babbages? Or is the vb scene mostly ebay people? No judging, just curious πŸ˜› Whats your virtual boy purchasing story?

23 Replies

TeamXBladz wrote:
This topic got me to switch me from a long time lurker to proper account holder. It’s been great to read through everyone’s VB memories.

I tracked my Virtual Boy down with birthday funds in ’96 when Toys ‘R’ Us had them on clearance. When I scooped it up, I distinctly remember the consoles being $24.99 and games were $9.99. My $60 was able to get the system, Wario Land, Nester’s Funky Bowling and Galactic Pinball. I still have all of them to this day and since it was the first console I ever purchased with my own money, it gives me the fuzzies each time I fire it up.

Awesome to have you proper posting! The more in this small (but awesome) community the better! πŸ™‚

I feel like the odd one out here to be honest. My Virtual Boy story is fairly recent, all things considered. In 2007/2008 I saw a video The Angry Video Game Nerd did on the system and for whatever reason really piqued my interest about the console. Prior that video I had never known it had existed and as a big Nintendo fan, I was shocked I never knew about it as a kid (especially with the weekly toy store trips my parents would take me on).

I was always interested in trying the Wario game out since I have always loved the Wario Land series. I eventually found an emulator years later and gave Wario Land a try. It was fun but hard to play without a proper controller. I figured the little taste of the VB I got through emulation was good enough and I wound up buying a console with a slight display issue and Wario Land back in June of 2014. Shortly after buying it I joined this forum and I’ve been heavily invested ever since. Granted nowhere near as invested as some of the other people here but that’s ok. I don’t have a job at the moment and haven’t been in the community as long πŸ™‚

Thank you for the welcome! I’m jazzed to hang with everyone and talk about this charming little system. I’m fascinated by all of the later on Virtual Boy enthusiast stories since the interest doesn’t stem from rose colored nostalgia (not that it’s a bad thing, I wouldn’t be here without it). I think it speaks to the impressive tech of the console and especially with the fantastic homebrew software being created, that the platform is really something special and is able to endure after its short time on the market.

TeamXBladz wrote:
Thank you for the welcome! I’m jazzed to hang with everyone and talk about this charming little system. I’m fascinated by all of the later on Virtual Boy enthusiast stories since the interest doesn’t stem from rose colored nostalgia (not that it’s a bad thing, I wouldn’t be here without it). I think it speaks to the impressive tech of the console and especially with the fantastic homebrew software being created, that the platform is really something special and is able to endure after its short time on the market.

Good to see ya! And yea, im glad this community exists, its pretty awesome. I look forward to future projects!


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