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So everyone remember Electronic Boutique’s (Game Stop’s) VB Blowout in 96 when they got in the Japanese games. And remember those Huge metal stickers? I ruined some of my boxes because of those so I’m on the lookout for boxes to see if I can get those instead of buying a whole new copy. Here is what I need BOXES ONLY (not even cardboard insert):

V-Tetris (JP, duh) ($5)
Jack Bros (JP) (long shot, I know)
Verticle Force (JP) ($5)
Verticle Force (US, W/ Instructions) ($6)

Notice Vert Force US is in there? Supposedly a friend found his VB and will give his copy to me, but he has no box.

If anyone has the goods in nice condition and agrees with my prices you can flat ship them.

(ignore the crushed red Alarm Box, I have a better copy elsewhere)

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